Dissertation (QUESTIONNAIRE)“Use of Library by Teachers and Students in Dronacharya College of Engineering, Greater Noida: a survey”


Sarjiwan Dass
Student of Master of Philosophy in Lib. & Inf. Sc.
Deptt. Of Lib. & Inf. Sc.
Vinayaka Mission University,
Salem, Tamilnadu.

Subject: Request to fill up the questionnaire for my Master of Philosophy in Lib. & Inf. Sc. Dissertation work.


          Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself. I (Sarjiwan Dass) a student of Master of Philosophy in Lib. & Inf. Sc. in the Vinayaka Mission University, Salem, Tamilnadu. I am doing research for the fulfillment of Master of Philosophy in Lib. & Inf. Sc. from the Deptt. of Lib. & Inf. Sc. Vinayaka Mission University, Salem, Tamilnadu. My topc is “USE OF LIBRARY BY TEACHERS AND STUDENTS IN DRONACHARYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GREATER NOIDA: A SURVEY” I have to get the questionnaire be filled up by the Students and Teacher of Dronacharya College of Engineering, Grater Noida for my research purpose.

          Therefore, I humbly request you to spare your valuable time for filling up the questionnaire. Your co-operation in providing data will be highly appreciated. The information given by you will be kept confidential.

                             With best regards



A. General information
1.       Name (Optional)  :         Dr./Mr./Ms-------------------------------------------------
2.       Designation/Status         :         Professor/Reader/Lecturer/UG and PG student
3.       Name of College   :         ---------------------------------------------------------------
4.       Membership of professional bodies (Please mention names) --------------------------
B.      Why do you visit library?
          Purpose of visit:
Frequently  Sometimes  Rarely         Never
(1)     To study                                  ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )
(2)     To meet friends                       ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )     
(3)     To get information                            ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )     
(4)     To borrow/return/renew books         ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )     
(5)     To read books                                   ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )     
(6)     To read journals/magazines              ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )     
(7)     To read thesis/dissertations              ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )     
(8)     To read report/proceeding                ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )     
(9)     To read newspapers                          ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )     
Any other please specify…………………………………………………………………
C.      Physical Facilities
Keeping in mind the perfect ambience for a modern library in a technical and medical institute. Please (Right Click)

Very good
Very poor

Furniture Seating Arrangement

Reading Area

Research Cabin

Air Conditioning

Library Building (Environment Aspect)

Printing Facilities

Photocopying Facilities

D.      Are you aware of availability of E- Journals (Electronic Journals) in your library?
          Yes                                                                       ( )
No                                                                        ( )
Not Sure                                                               ( )
 E.     Does your library provide internet service?
Yes                                                                       ( )
No                                                                        ( )
Not Sure                                                               ( )
If yes please mention where do you access internet?
Frequently  Sometimes  Rarely         Never
(1)     Library                                    ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )
(2)     Computer lab                          ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )     
(3)     At home                         ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )     
(4)     Uncertain                       ( )                ( )                ( )      ( )     
Any other please specify…………………………………………………………………
F       Internet is primary used for:
          ( ) Library                                         ( ) Financial transaction
( ) Chat                                              ( ) On line data base search
( ) Internet Phone                              ( ) E- Journals
( ) Internet Phone                             
G.      Information need
          When do you feel the need for information?
(1)     Working on research project                                          (  )
(2)     Preparing for teaching                                          (  )
(3)     Keep yourself generally update                                     (  )
(4)     Performing of administrative task                                 (  )
(5)     Preparing for examination task (NET, CIVIL Services) (  )
(6)     Any other, please specify.-------------------------------------------------------------------
H.      Sources of information
          Which of the following sources of information you consult? Please indicate their frequency also.
                                                          Frequently  Sometimes  Rarely         Never
(1)     Personal Collection                           (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(2)     Personal Collection                          (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(3)     Research Supervisor                         (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(4)     Libraries and their services               (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(5)     Internet                                    (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(6)     Conference/Seminar etc.          (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(7)     Any other, please specify.                 (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
I.       Colleague and classmates
          How do you get information from your colleagues/fellow researchers?
(1)     On specific personal request                                                   (  )
(2)     Have regular exchange of pre print/reprints                                     (  )
(3)     During informal meetings (Like corridor during seminars                (  )    
(4)     Any other, please specify.-------------------------------------------------------------------

J.       Sources of references
          Where do you get reference of Information Sources (e. g. title of the book or periodical article)?
(1)     Recently read book/article that contained reference bibliography               (  )
(2)     Review article                                                                                   (  )
(3)     Printed indexing/abstracting journal                                                 (  )
(4)     Sources available on internet                                                            (  )
(5)     Library card catalogue                                                             (  )
(6)     OPAC                                                                                               (  )
(7)     Any other, please specify.-------------------------------------------------------------------
K.      Use of libraries
          How do you search your required document/ information in library?
(1)     Take help of Reference Librarian or other library staff                     (  )
(2)     Take help of students    etc.                                                              (  )
(3)     Search yourself                                                                        (  )
(4)     Any other, please specify.-------------------------------------------------------------------
L       What are the documents you use in the library? Please mention frequency of use also.
                                                          Frequently  Sometimes  Rarely         Never
(1)     Books - General                      (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(2)               - Subject specific            (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(3)               - Text books                            (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(4)     Conference paper                    (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(5)     Research report                       (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(6)     Theses & dissertation                       (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(7)     Newspapers                                      (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(8)     International Journals, pl. specify 5 most used journals---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(9)     Indian  Journals, pl. specify 5 most used journals----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(10)   Encyclopedias                                   (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(11)   Dictionaries (Subject)                        (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(l2)    Dictionaries-General language (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
M      Which of the following libraries you generally consult for use of the documents mention above?
                                                          Frequently  Sometimes  Rarely         Never
(1)     Central library                                  (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(2)     College library in campus                 (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(3)     Any other, please specify.-------------------------------------------------------------------
N       To what extent do you think you have been able to keep up with advance in your field?
(1)     To a great extent                     (  )              
(2)     To a little extend                     (  )
(3)     To some extent                        (  )
(4)     Not at all                                 (  )
O       What are the difficulties you face in obtaining required information and keeping up with advances in your field?
                                                          Frequently  Sometimes  Rarely         Never
(1)     Lack of time due to teaching
(2)     Work load (for teachers only)           (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(3)     Inadequate resources in Central library   (  )                  (  )               (  )     (  )
(4)     Information scattered in many lib.    (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(5)     Lack of access to library material     (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
          Due to library rules/proceeding
(6)     Due to poor library services            (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
(7)     Lack of financial support for            (  )               (  )               (  )     (  )
Attending seminars etc.
(8)     Any other, please specify.-------------------------------------------------------------------
P       Suggestions, if any

Dr. O.P. HOODA                                                          SARJIWAN DASS
M.A. (Pol. Sc)      , M.A. (History),                               M. Phil. (Lib. & Inf. Sc.)
M.Lib. & Inf. Sc., Ph.D.                                                 Student                         
Kirori Mal College,                                             
(University Of Delhi)              

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