Dissertation Chapter 1 & 2 “Use of Library by Teachers and Students in Dronacharya College of Engineering, Greater Noida: a survey”

In earlier times, Library was regarded as a storehouse and books were meant for preservation.  Libraries tended to be passive and archival institutions.  But today the concept has totally changed.  A modern Library is regarded as “a service institution or democratic institution.”  Its aim is to enable the users to make the most effective and efficient use of the resource and services of the libraries. 
Library has achieved a prominent place in the field of education.  The traditional concept that Library is repository of books has now gone away.  Now-a-days, it is like a workshop or powerhouse as it generates information.  It is real source of knowledge and no knowledge can be regarded as perfect in the absence of libraries. 
Today Libraries are becoming information centers.  Libraries are a real source of knowledge and no education can be regarded as perfect in the absence of libraries because they play a very significant role in carrying the ideas of education.
The Kothari Commission in its report echoed the importance of libraries when it said “No University, College or Department should be set up without taking into account its Library needs in terms of staff, books, journals space etc.”  Nothing could be more damaging to a growing department than to neglect Library or to give it a low priority, on the contrary the Library should be an important centre of attraction of the Colleges or University campus.
The importance of college libraries is increasing because of their significant role in college education.  Library is characterised as an organization that preserves books and makes them available to readers. It is the function of the librarians to know what is in the book, which are available in the Library and organize these books on proper lines.
Library is a collection of materials organized to provide physical, bibliographic and intellectual access to a target group, with a staff that is trained to provide services to programme related to the information needs of target group.  Modern libraries are required to meet the informational research, educational or recreational needs of its users.
The word Library, which in English refers to collection of books gathered for study, research reference and recreation, is derived from the Latin word “liber”, which means “a book”.
1.2.1 According to Chambers Dictionary- a collection of books, a building or room containing it.
1.2.2 According to ALA Glossary – collection of materials organized to provide physical, bibliographic and intellectual access to a target group with a staff that is trained to provide services and programmes related to the information needs of the target group.
Though the colleges have existed in this country for several centuries yet unfortunately not much well documented information about their libraries is however available for reference.
On the basis of the scattered references available it can be safely concluded that most of the Colleges of Madars as did have some collections of manuscripts and books of all the time in their libraries. It seems however that these libraries in most of the cases were merely appendages to their respective colleges.
The Calcutta Education Commission (called the Sadlar Commission) appointed in 1917 in its report has aptly summarized the state of college libraries as follows:
“From this point of view one of the greatest weaknesses of the existing system is that extraordinary unimportant part in it which is played by the libraries. Even the best that of the Presidency College, is very defective at many points”.
The establishment of University Grants Commission (UGC) by a statute in 1956 is an important landmark in the growth and development of higher education in general and of University and college libraries in particular, in the country. Since its very inception, the UGC recognized the importance of college and University libraries and gave top priority for their development in the 5-year plan. Besides providing financial assistance for books, library building, staff, etc. it provided leadership and a forum for planning, discussion and action.
To give proper direction to the development of college and University Libraries, Dr. C.D. Deshmukh, the first Chairman of UGC, appointed a Library committee in 1957.
The UGC seminar in 1959 provided an opportunity to the University and college librarians for the first time to meet together to discuss their problem and reach conclusions.
The UGC has helped the universities as well as colleges by giving grants amounting to lakhs of rupees for books, journals, building, equipment, etc., and for setting up textbook libraries, for e.g., it gave basic book grants for development to several colleges amounting to Rs.77.35 lakhs during 1978-79 and Rs.90.90 lakhs during 1979-80 and 2096.52 lakhs in 1991.
In addition to the development grants from UGC, the other respective authorities such as state/union territory, government, private trusts, etc. finance college libraries, both for recurring and non-recurring expenses.

The study was conducted to assess the awareness of the users with a view to find out whether the services offered by the college libraries are adequate or not. It was also decided to study, how these services can be made more efficient and meaningful. For this purpose, the investigator selected the Dronacharya College of Engineering Library, Greater Noida.
A pot gives shine after rubbing many time the knowledge become vast after using library.
1.4.3 DCE
Dronacharya College of Engineering is a quality conscious premiere institution combining tradition and modernity in the field of Professional Education. The sun knows no discrimination and engulfs the entire world with light and warmth. The campus having imposing building with historical look is dotted by large parks, gardens, playgrounds and most advance Classrooms with LCD Projectors and internet.

Greater Noida - world city where the grass is greener, the roads wider, the air cleaner and proactive governance is a way of life. No delays, no congestion, no problems. Greater Noida, a world city planned with an obsession is ready to welcome you to the future.
1.4.4 SURVEY
The survey is a non-experimental, descriptive research method. Surveys can be useful when a researcher wants to collect data on phenomena that cannot be directly observed (such as opinions on library services). Surveys are used extensively in library and information science to assess attitudes and characteristics of a wide range of subjects, from the quality of user-system interfaces to library user reading habits. In a survey, researchers sample a population. Basha and Harter (1980) state that "a population is any set of persons or objects that possesses at least one common characteristic." Examples of populations that might be studied are 1) all 1999 graduates of GSLIS at the University of Texas, or 2) all the users of UT General Libraries. Since populations can be quite large, researchers directly question only a sample (i.e. a small proportion) of the population.
The objectives of the study were to know:
A hypothesis consists either of a suggested explanation for an observable phenomenon or of a reasoned proposal predicting a possible causal correlation among multiple phenomena.

The Hypothesis of the present study is sought to be
a.       The services being provided by the college library is not satisfactory.
b.       The staff position in the college library is not sufficient.
c.       The collection of books and other materials are not adequate.
d.       The allocation of funds/budget is not appropriate.
e.       The physical working conditions in library are not sufficient.

Review of literature has been explained in chapter third.

Research methodology has been explained through chapter fourth.

The collected data was provided by the users of DCE, Greater Noida i.e. teachers and students. The collected data was analyzed with the help of percentage method and presented through tables and critically elaborated in chapter-6 analysis of data.
The findings of data analysis, 24 findings are inferred, 25 suggestions and 9 observations elaborated in chapter-7 Findings, Observations and Suggestions.
The study was limited only to the users of Dronacharya College of Engineering Library. The study was conducted during normal working days when the classes were on.  Therefore, only the users present on those days and willing were distributed the questionnaire.
The dissertation ends with two appendices i.e. bibliography and questionnaire for users.


In general the college is said to be an institution of higher learning which offers a four year curriculum leading to a bachelors degree in arts and science, which requires for admission graduation from an acetated secondary school or its equivalent and which is not divided into separate schools and faculties. The next level in the education programme after the school is the college. In an institution, a Library occupies a prominent position. It is an important and integral part of the teaching programme. It is not merely a depository of books, but an active workshop instrumental in the production of alginate thinking. The aim of college education and college Library extends opportunities for self-education to the deserving and enthusiastic student without any discrimination. These libraries develop in each student a sense of responsibility in the pursuit of knowledge.  The college Library stimulates the students to obtain, evaluate and recognize knowledge and to familiarize him with the trends of knowledge for further education and learning new discipline.
Library is the ‘Queen Bee’ of the college. If a Library is to work effectively, it must take into account how users are satisfied with the various services it provides. Actually Libraries are meant to judge the quality of an academic institution.
According to ALA Glossary, “A Library established, supported and administered by a College to meet the information need of its students, faculty and staff and to support its instructional and research programmes. In a University Library System, a Library with a collection related to the work of a particular college, administer separately by the college or as a unit of the University Library.”
According to Dongerkery “A well equipped, well stocked and up to date Library is essential for even modern college. It is an intellectual workshop, which provides the students, the teacher and scholar with the advancement of knowledge.”
A college Library is an institution providing education for intellectual advancement. A college Library worth its name is a tonic for the mind, a workshop for the scholar, a University for the student and a temple of learning.
Today the greatest need of education is a support system in which the students are able to shed their role of passive bench sitters and emerge as active, alert and motivated people seeking not only academic excellence but also learning to appreciate the cultural values of their country.
The importance of the College libraries is increasing because of significant role they play in the college education programme. Library is characterized as an organization that procures books and makes them available in the Library and to organize the collection on proper order.
But the effectiveness of a Library is not determined merely by the size of its collection but rather by the success of the Library service provided to the users in seeking information they require and at the time they want.
A College Library is expected to support the objective of the college. Thus the basic function of a College Library is to assist its parent body to carry out its programme.  This means that it must adequately serve the needs and requirements of the teachers and students towards reading, study and research.  A College Library has to play an important part in reorientation of educational programmes.
 The main function of the Library can be described as follows: -
The college library also promotes cultural activities for the college community and often services as nucleus for academic and cultural affairs.
The services provided by the libraries are varying in nature. These may be discussed under the following headings:
Reference Services brings the user in contact with the required document. It may have three aspects as mentioned by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan: initiation or a freshman, general reader ready reference service, and long range reference services.  All the three aspects are needed from time to time in a college Library. But most important of them should be a systematically planned provision of informing the new students about the college library and its various aspects of functioning.
This is the most important service in college libraries. The lending of books is usually to the registered members of the library. The period of loan usually varies in almost all libraries. However, in all the libraries users are almost allowed to renew books for further period if they are not in demand.
This popular service is called Readers’ Request Service or Reservation Service. Almost all kind of libraries have a scheme whereby users may reserve any book, which is in stock of library but under issue.
Books not in stock of a library may also be obtained on loan from other libraries and made available to the users. For this purpose, most libraries usually co-operate with each other.
Photocopy service has become an essential service in any college library today. It reduces the load of document lending service. Photocopy service also reduces the problem of page tearing in college libraries.
Documentation services, only on specific request, should include: current awareness to literature, special journals, preparation of current lists of reference, indexing / abstracting services on projects, etc.

In the college library Audio-Visual Services are provided to the users such as film shows, tape-slide demonstration etc.
Orientation of readers to functional layout of the library and acquaint them with the rules and regulations of the library.
The preparation and care of reading material through such processes: cataloguing, classification, shelving, binding and display of new books for information to readers.
To assist the reader on the use of reference books, catalogue and help them to trace the required material.
To promote the reading habit amongst the students. A well guided stack room having books arranged in classified order encourages the readers to borrow independently.
2.5.12 Periodical Service – Provided with Journals magazines and the newspapers.
2.5.13 Book Bank Service – Long period loan of books to the deserving students.
Dronacharya College of Engineering under Mahrishi Dayanand University, Rohatak are performing all the above mention functions and services. The libraries are catering the need of Post Graduates students, under-graduate students and teachers.
According to Lancaste “the effectiveness or usefulness of a library system to its members can best be determined to the extent to which it provides for the fulfillment of its user’s self-learning needs or interests”. As a result of a systematic evaluation of library system, one can know, how the system is functioning and progressing in the desired direction but also taking care of user’s satisfaction and drawbacks of Library services.
G. B. Lyle in his book “The administration of a College Library” suggests that the procedure for evaluating library services may be considered under six heads:-
Lyle stated the following basic principles of evaluation:
A complete evaluation programme comprises a number of stages:
Evaluation of the Library services helps to:
About Library collection, the committee observes that every college should necessarily have a basic collection with the following types of materials on which all information services to students and teachers are to be based:
According to the standard prepared by ACRL for college libraries in USA, the book collection in a college library should be 85,000; this certainly far exceeds the conditions prevailing in India.
The standing committee of UGC suggests the following pattern of core staff in the college library:
A College having 500 enrolment and 10,000 volumes in the Library, a staff of one librarian, attendant may be provided. For every addition of 10,000 volumes: one library attendant may be provided.
There can hardly be any rigid formula for estimating how much money a college should invest in its library. The Radha Krishnan Commission recommends 6.5% where as the Kothari Commission recommends 6.5 to 10% of the total institutional budget be spent on the library services, efforts should be made by college libraries to meet the above standards.
College is a general term and to designate several kinds of educational institutions above the high school level, college library holds a distinctive position as its services, organization and administration significantly contribute to the realization of the objective of college education, unfortunately, peeping into the working of college libraries in India, one finds with few exceptions, a gloomy and depressing picture.  To quote S. R. Ranganthan College libraries consisted of closed cupboards most of them were concentrated in one or two rooms college general Library.  By the evening the available books would all stand piled up on the desk.  A Lucky student finds the book in the pile, but he will often feel disappointed by neither finding the book nor suiting his standard or by being something different from what he thought of to be.  Ranganathan’s description of college libraries is more or less true today also.  The college libraries are insufficiently financed, under staffed and poorly managed.
The main source of revenue for the college library today is the Library fee collected from the students, supplemented by periodical. Government or UGC grants for the Library fee vary from state to state, within the same state, from college to college, with the result there is wide variation in the financial resources available to the different college libraries.
In many of the college libraries, card catalogue is still a luxury on the ground of the economy.  The catalogues, used in most of the college libraries cannot be termed a proper cataloguer as in most cases they are not made on any sound cataloging principle.
Most of the college libraries do not have their queen buildings and are located in a classroom or a multipurpose hall.  Books are kept in shelves in more than one room; they are actually damped consequently, and retrieving of books become awfully difficult.  Certain college libraries exist only to serve the teachers. The books are purchased to meet the needs of teacher and no pain is paid to meet students’ requirements far from getting books, students are not even allowed entry in some libraries. The members of the library borrow books from the library, the length of time he may retain them in his possession and the scrupulous manner is which he is expected to use them are some of the major problems which a college librarian has not been able to find suitable solution.
Majority of college libraries suffer from grossly inadequate book stock and annual book grants, unscientific technical organization, inadequate staff provision, poor services, unsatisfactory physical facilities and above all, a lack of recognition of their important academic role.
The staff provision of the college libraries is deplorable usually it is only one-man show.  The authorities still regard the libraries as an administration accessory and the librarian as a storekeeper of books. He is never worked upon as a responsible and truest worthy person. He has all the responsibilities for keeping the stock in tact but no authority take independent action and frame policies for operating library on academic lines. He has no independence of ideas, action and no opportunity for personal growth and development, or self esteem and consequently college librarians are simply log in the academic machine having no independent status.
The probable reasons for this sordid state of affairs is that we still do not seriously consider that the aim of education is to promote intellectual freedom and advancement of knowledge to generate in the going generation a sense of purpose fullness and maxi make dedication and faith in the country’s future. In simple words, if the aim of education is to educate the students to stimulate research and build-up the character of their youth, then it must be admitted that we have miserably failed; our education system is lacking benefit of any motivation.  The degree is looked upon as passport to get into a job, to earn bread and butter, and the values of humanism, tolerance, rationalism, the adventure of ideas and search for truth have been ignored.  Moreover, inadequate staff and insufficient funds for the development of the libraries in an educational institution has accounted for the depressing conditions. Poor conceptions of administrators of educational institution regarding the role of library in educational settings have also hampered the growth of library. Library consciousness has not yet been sufficiently aroused in colleges. The library is still regarded more or less as a useless accessory, an object to the principal’s office. Consequently, least can be expected that students will realize the importance of library in their text book oriented education. The librarians have demonstrated earlier the value of library in education either to the students or teachers or to the administrators of college. The comments of Rabindra Nath Tagore made in 1926 that most librarian are possessed with the passion for accumulating of book the facilities offered for their (books) use that should have been its (Library’s) glory are neither deemed necessary nor its pride, still hold good today.



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