The Force Awakens?

Perusing news headlines last weekend, there were troubling articles reminding of the dangers of the nuclear weapons that still exist and contention among leaders of world governments.  Drug abuse is a worldwide scourge.  The unfortunate and disenfranchised face poverty, terrorism, revolution, war.  The debt crisis in Greece could happen here or anywhere with the current social order favoring only bankers and the most wealthy.  Beyond all this, I noticed that there had been a publicity event in San Diego to promote the upcoming movie "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."  An article was followed by a link to a video of the panel presentation.  A range of feelings are aroused by the re-emergence of "Star Wars."

You Tube thumbnail image (Flicks and the City video)

Last weekend these were some of the other Yahoo News headlines that I saw —
How Scott Walker became a conservative star
The Wisconsin governor and presidential hopeful successfully neutered unions in his state

Chain takes stand against Texas open-carry law
Whataburger's decision is expected to pave the way for other restaurants to start similar policies

McConnell: Iran deal will be 'hard sell' in Congress
Sen. Mitch McConnell is doubtful of a deal to come from the nuclear talks, now in overtime

The new 'Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice' Trailer Totally Delivers
Gotham finally has the trailer it deserves.  The first trailer for "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" had a rocky debut when . . .

This photo perfectly sums up Robbie Lawler and Rory Macdonald's five-round war
Lawler and Macdonald shared a photo from the hospital that showed just how violent their welterweight title fight got.

Liberia's 'Planet of the Apes' chimps facing starvation
A speedboat laden with fruit approaches and four chimpanzees come bounding over from the dense forest, screeching excitedly as volunteers ...

It is understandable that people seek ways to 'escape' from reality for brief interims through movies, TV shows, novels, etc.; however, my purpose with this blog is to encourage intellectual development of each reader's perspectives relating to metaphysical and spiritual aspects of life.  In relation to this, the annual 'Comic Con' publicity reminded me of some of my different past experiences. 

As a teenager my hobby was comic book collecting during the relatively dignified later-1960s and early '70s (for comic books anyway in comparison to what may be noticed about storylines of the derivative movies currently being publicized).  There was some memorable creative work by comic book creators of the period yet one inevitably grows up and has to concentrate on more realistic concerns such as finding a way of making a living.  In the film industry, "Star Wars" (1977) and "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial" (1982) were two successes leading to today's blockbuster mentality among studio leaders preoccupied with making enormously profitable movies that appeal to the vast juvenile audience.  Movies, television, computer games and comics have become such an ingrained part of contemporary life that I have noticed there can be an inclination to exalt fantasy among life experiences as exemplified by the annual Comic-Con International convention in San Diego.

This was one of the first comic books I read in 1966 and the pastime (along with movies and TV shows) became an escape from reality.  Today I know that there are numerous nonfiction information sources that have revealed actual events more fascinating than any imaginary scenarios.  

After considering in the previous blog article a rationale for much 'wrong thinking' throughout the world and again reminding about the myriad entertainment diversions that might distract people today from developing their spiritual and metaphysical awareness, I couldn't help noticing media interest in the upcoming "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" movie following the San Diego Comic-Con Panel promotional event featuring filmmakers and cast members.

In a previous Metaphysical Articles blog article I mentioned:

"While fictional works are not suitable to provide an introduction to these subjects, it is interesting to note that occasionally Hollywood movies have offered some semblance of ascended masters — perhaps most obviously with the ascended Jedi in the original 'Star Wars' trilogy."  As all creative works are made in accordance with humanity's shared 'subconscious' or 'Superconscious' mind, there can be interesting facets of synchronicity.

Although Metaphysical aspects of life are overlooked or trivially considered throughout the mainstream news media; people’s interest in metaphysical subjects is reflected in the popularity of storylines of fictional narrative movies, novels and TV shows.  

The popularity of the original "Star Wars" was something I witnessed firsthand because of a part-time job at a Pasadena movie theatre where the movie played for many weeks.  I'd seen an early special screening of the movie for USC cinema students without having any expectation of the phenomenal success that would follow.  I had decided to major in cinema and consider an entertainment industry career after being fascinated by the self-expression of so-called 'auteur' directors such as Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini, Luis Bunuel and Ken Russell.

These are the pins worn on my blue Mann Theatres employee jacket in 1977 when I had a part-time job as doorman/concession clerk/usher.

After receiving a B.A. degree, I found that job opportunities in the film industry were highly competitive.  I concentrated on looking for positions that offered opportunities to advance my then-planned screenwriting career while, fresh out of school, my identical twin brother Mike was hired as a publicist at Disney.  Although he moved away and into his own apartment, I would occasionally see him when he invited me to attend screenings with him at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences theatre and at studio screening rooms.  After nine years at Disney, he became a Director of Publicity at Paramount and when two writers in succession turned in unacceptable drafts of press kit production information for "The Untouchables" I agreed to write a version to be of help.  The executives liked my work and after freelance assignments that included "Fatal Attraction" I was hired as the publicity department staff writer.
Sometimes a movie can have such tremendous appeal that it seems as if some form of magic has happened.  What was on the screen in the original "Star Wars" assumed heightened status by the long lines of eager moviegoers — all desiring to glimpse events from "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . . . ."  Although 'imaginary,' movies such as those of the "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" series have an obvious basis in human nature and presented lessons inspired by history or mythology.  Considering the hype surrounding the new "Star Wars" movie, it will be an 'event' regardless of how exciting or uninspiring is the storyline.  The 2015 Flicks and the City "Star Wars The Force Awakens Comic Con Panel" video as of this writing has a view count of more than 708,000 while the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Comic-Con 2015 Reel" view total is more than 7,350,000.

For many people, employment is the means of paying the bills; however, it is how they choose to utilize their other time that will determine the scope of their lifelong progress of education and enlightenment.  Hopefully, people will always remember that the realities of life are far more complex than what is promulgated by the commercial news media.

My experiences as a publicist included 'positioning movies' and writing press releases, press kits, speeches and pitch letters.  Determining what was appealing or exciting about a movie was a natural affinity and such activities as dealing with press, helping to keep things going smoothly at movie premieres and parties; and interacting with studio staff, filmmakers and actors were things I seldom considered difficult 'work.'  When I remember those years, there were many things that make me smile and a few disturbing things as well; as would be encountered in any walk of life at the present stage of civilization (recalling what Gandhi described as it being merely "a good idea").  On one  occasion it was surprising to me when the department head appointed me to accept an award on behalf of George Lucas and the studio for an accolade bestowed upon "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" at a luncheon of the Southern California Motion Picture Council (not a highly prestigious industry event). 

After seven years working as a publicist, I ended my studio publicity career because of the momentous events that occurred to me when I investigated what had been called a contemporary 'talking poltergeist' case in rural Oklahoma, August 1995.  What seemed a carefully guided initiation beyond the scope of any human endeavor brought me the understanding that an Angelic Force made possible all of the documented cases of so-called 'paranormal' or 'anomalous phenomena' through the ages.  Practically overnight my unexpected path of spiritual discovery transformed me into someone who wanted to help expand the spiritual consciousness of people instead of fulfilling the film publicist's job of encouraging people to escape into fantasy.
The title of the new "Star Wars" movie is both intriguing and preposterous.  The Force Awakens?  What a mysterious perspective to promote.  I'll not be one of those who sees the movie yet 'the Force' in humanity's existence has always been fully awake; it is much of humanity that needs to wake up in relation to their understanding about 'the Christ Force' (or Buddhic Force, Holy Spirit, spiritual Oneness, etc.), which has been articulated in transcripts and recordings of 'channeled' or 'transcendental' sources of communication, many profiled in articles of this blog. 

It is amazing to me that it will soon be the twenty year anniversary of writing and speaking about my personal and most surprising spiritual awakening documented in the case study book Testament (1997).  Writing and speaking about the experience, I have found that some people are comfortable with 'The Force' as a fantasy yet perhaps unprepared upon learning about the Reality.  Social programming, accepted beliefs and that primitive dread of the unknown evidently are influences that can interfere with people developing their understanding of unfamiliar metaphysical conditions of life.

The occurrences documented and chronicled in Testament have been augmented by my reporting about and profiling events and people that help readers to understand profound metaphysical truths about ourselves; and about our future existence in the ascended realm of being.  Research such as that shared in blog articles can make comprehensible the authenticity of psychics, channelers, contactees and every imaginable aspect of 'Christed ones' throughout the ages.

While working as a publicist, I once was given an assignment to write a speech about George Lucas for a studio executive speaking to a teachers organization.  I learned about what must have been an influential experience for George Lucas concerning his inspiration for ‘The Force.’  As reported in an early biography of Lucas entitled Skywalking: The Life and Films of George Lucas (1983) by Dale Pollock, George was 18 when he experienced a car accident.

The Fiat was flung sideways, and it flipped over quickly, four or five times, before wrapping itself around a sturdy walnut tree.  On the third flip, Lucas was hurled out the open roof.  His regulation racing seat belt—installed with a steel plate anchoring it to the car’s floor—had miraculously snapped at its base and freed the driver from what would have been certain death.

I recently provided blog readers with the opportunity to consider a transcendental communicator's explanation for another fortunate outcome of a devastating car crash as reported in a profile article about the Trance Healer Biography: A Mere Grain of Sand

The Force will always be with you.

This past weekend, while watching and listening to a video of the Comic-Con "Star Wars" event I noticed instances of 'EVP' and of subconscious self-correction by speakers (panel participants).  My investigation of these circumstances is reported in the second part of this article: "EVP Investigation: 2015 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Comic-Con Panel". 


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