EVP Investigation: 2015 "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" Comic-Con Panel

You Tube video thumbnail image (Emergency Awesome video Part 2)

One of the surprising things that has been reported to blog readers is the preponderance of Electronic Voice Phenomena (what I called 'spirit messages' upon my initial discovery listening to tape recordings in 1995) that can commonly and often frequently be heard in all unedited video and audio recordings.  

For nearly twenty years I've been observing EVP while listening to radio broadcasts and to recordings of diverse video and audio media available at Internet websites.  I use the expression 'EVP' when actually these instances may involve what actually is known as 'Instrumental Transcommunication' (ITC) or transcendental communication manifesting through devices such as sound transmitting apparatus.  Previous blog articles about EVP include "EVP and UFOlogy — MP3 Audio: Arthur Shuttlewood 1968 Interview" and "Matthew Manning and EVP"

Accustomed to hearing EVP on daily radio broadcasts, I usually am able to gain a better understanding of an interview guest because of this awareness.  While watching the "Star Wars The Force Awakens Comic Con Panel" video (Flicks and the City Version)," I noted where can be seen and heard two examples of EVP (that you may personally observe in the You Tube video) along with many instances of the phenomenon when a speaker spontaneously says "no" or "you know" — with an elucidating result for the attentive listener.  As EVP utterances can at times sound the same or similar to the speaker's voice, it can be difficult to differentiate EVP from the occasions when someone makes unconscious utterances such as "no" and "you know" — both of these occurrences are aspects of the omnipresent external and physically internal 'Force'/'Superconsciousness' (or 'shared subconscious mind') involved with all of humanity.

You Tube Video: "Star Wars The Force Awakens Comic Con Panel" (Flicks and the City Version)"


Two Examples of EVP messages heard in the video:

. . . that's something almost more evil.  ("YEAH" at 33:52)  A group of people who have decided that . . .  (There are several strange and indistinct sounds on this part of the video and at one point for some reason Adam Driver looks around as if distracted by something.) 

. . . I had to check and see if ("NO" at 41:19) it was just me.  (Carrie Fisher then remarks: "Is my voice coming out of my mouth?"  Considered literally, this is a profound question relating to physics and philosophy.  The reader of transcendental teachings will readily understand that the human voice couldn't exist without an energy component.)

Some Examples of subconscious utterances of the words "no" and "you know" heard in the video:

. . . so important to so many people, no* (at 5:18), I asked my mom . .

. . . and Larry you could answer this, no (at 12:42), as well . . .

. . . fun all the time and sort of, you know* (at 12:55), ever silly but . . . .

 . . . it's a constant thing working, no* (at 16:46), with Larry and with Kathy . . .

. . . any color. We — we — you know (at 25:58), we just cast this movie . . .

 . . . What Kathy doesn't want me to say, no* (at 27:28) — this is what I think . . .
. . . so I was, you know, no (at 44:04), I've been a fan . . .

. . . important part of my life and, you know (at 44:22) because without you . . .

. . . keep coming back, yes, but no* (at 44:56), you know, it's hard . . . 

. . . and perhaps a, you know* (at 52:32), an emotional rounding . . .

One example of an unattributed sound (a click) may be heard at 56:14.

After noting these instances of what sounds like EVP and subconscious utterances, I found other videos of the 2015 panel event to compare.  Watching the Movieguide video of the event, there is a different view of the speakers and the word utterances marked with an asterisk above sometimes have such a different tonality in this video that one might consider the possibility that these are, in fact, instances of EVP.  The following is a listing of where these words may be heard during the video for comparison.

You Tube Video: "Star Wars The Force Awakens Comic Con Panel" (Movieguide Version)

. . . and Larry you could answer this, ("NO" at 13:38), as well . . .

 . . . it's a constant thing working, ("NO" at 17:42), with Larry and with Kathy . . .

 . . . What Kathy doesn't want me to say, ("NO" at 27:06) — this is what I think . . .
. . . keep coming back, yes, but ("NO" at 44:34 "YOU KNOW"), it's hard . . . 

. . . and perhaps a, ("YOU KNOW" at 52:15), an emotional rounding . . .

And who is saying "sure" at 33:45 of the Movieguide video?
In the Movie Maniacs video recording (with a shaky visual image) that I saw although it is no longer available at You Tube, the EVP utterance of "YEAH" is not audible at all; one "no" utterance is very faint and the last noted "you know" is also indistinguishable.  These pronounced discrepancies indicate different sound recording systems preserving soundtracks with audio variations between them while the reason for the variations is what is necessary to consider. 

In the Emergency Awesome video recording presented as Part 1 and Part 2, the soundtrack is consistent with the Flicks and the City version with only a slight contrast between the sound tonality and it is this version that offers the best view of the speakers' lips. 

The first part of this article is "The Force Awakens?"

About Electronic Voice Phenomena

It is amazing to me that it seems for most people EVP is a phenomenon that is entirely unnoticed in relation to 'live' radio and TV broadcasts. 

Probably the single most profound discovery following my 1995 trip to Oklahoma to investigate a 'talking poltergeist' haunting was the realization that unattributed sounds and 'spirit messages' were noticeable upon listening to the microcassette recordings of my interviews with family members.  At that time, I wasn't aware that this phenomena had a name—Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)—and a history.

When I began transcribing the tapes after purchasing a Dictaphone voice processor, there were first some very clear and memorable examples of the 'spirit messages' that allowed me to realize the existence of the phenomenon (See Tape #3, Side #1 of Testament).  Returning again to listen to preceding recordings, I continued to often notice the phenomena.  Investigating interview recordings from past years when I conducted interviews while working as a movie publicity writer, there were again found frequent instances of EVP.  I realized that the phenomena probably commenced with the first recordings and broadcasts once each technology had been invented.

While transcribing the tapes, there was also a wide range of unattributed sounds.  After years of transcribing work, I recognize that there are few boundaries to how EVP can be characterized.  I have heard EVP on all types of radio shows and also on television broadcast clips available on You Tube.  Among frequently noticeable instances of clear EVP messages, the most common is the word "no."  There have also been occasions when I was surprised by how extremely subtle the phenomena can be

In preparing the transcript of the Oklahoma interviews for publication of Testament, I capitalized the spirit messages and put them in parentheses.  When I listened closely to the recordings of my initial two telephone conversations with Maxine Mc Wethy, when she began to answer my question about the spirit demonstrating mind-reading by saying, "Yes," a spirit message could then be detected uttering, "IT’S FU —."  I thought the apparent significance at the time signified ‘fun’ and therefore typed the message in the transcript as ("IT’S FUN").

As I gained experience studying EVP, my comprehension of the breadth and complexity of what was possible with EVP continuously expanded.  I also learned about other forms of Instrumental Transcommunication.

Two books chronicling research of Electronic Voice Phenomena were written by Freidrich Jürgenson: Rösterna från Rymden (Swedish/Voices from Space 1964) and Sprechfunk mit Verstorbenen: Praktische Kontaktherstellung mit dem Jenseits (German 1981 / English translation entitled Voice Transmissions With The Deceased and translated by Tom Wingert and George Wynne).  Another pioneering book is  Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead (1971) by Konstantin Raudive, Ph.D.  I also found a book written by one of Raudive’s publishers, Peter Bander, to be significant: Carry On Talking: How Dead Are the Voices? (1972).  More information about EVP and ITC is available at worlditc.org.


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