Tapping the Force: Leslie Flint Recordings and Links

Hundreds of audio tape recordings document the Direct Voice mediumship of Leslie Flint (right).

This week as news media reported the quick box office success of the science fiction fantasy movie "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," I thought how beneficial it would be if such a large group of people could become acquainted with some of the documentation sources chronicling transcendental communication.  An extensive collection of audio recordings of Direct Voice phenomena (disembodied speech) made in the presence of medium Leslie Flint (1911-1994) is among the evidence of the omnipresent spiritual Force involved with the life of all living creatures. 

There have been changes online concerning where to listen to the numerous Flint seance audio recordings that describe aspects of life beyond our current dimension for listeners.  The recordings are no longer presented at the website of The Leslie Flint Educational Trust in the extensive collection found during recent years.  A small selection of You Tube videos of the recordings are available, including "Leslie Flint First Recorded Seance 12 November 1953".  There is also an "Archive" offering a selection of recordings and transcripts.  At You Tube, currently around 75 videos featuring audio recordings (and some interviews) are shared at The New Leslie Flint Educational Trust Channel.

In his autobiography Voices in the Dark (1971), Flint referred to the recurring entity 'Mickey' as "my Cockney boy control."  As perceived, a 'control' differs from a spirit 'guide' in respect to the extent of the association — the relationship with Mickey lasted throughout Flint's lifetime.

A listener can compare the range of vocal manifestation in multiple Mickey discourse recordings at psychictruth.info.  It is my impression that the most common modulation is the childlike falsetto and wisecracking phase that is typical of the occasions when Mickey is engaged in keeping the conditions cheerful.  At other times as with the "Mickey" 44-minute recording there is an interim of somber genuflection offering elucidation about the realms of spirit.  There are also long recordings when an adult and excitedly boisterous intonation is sustained.

An even larger collection of Mickey recordings is available at wholejoy.com.  Keep in mind that as mentioned in a previous blog article, Lynn Russell once quoted recurring communicator Dr. Charles Marshall as having said: "You have received a talk . . . sermon . . . call it what you will, not from ONE, but from MANY, all flowing through the SAME CHANNEL OF SPIRIT.  All entwined one with the other into a COMPLETE WHOLE.  We work in harmony as one body of people."

In the recording identified as “Mickey 4 - 7632K - 41 minutes - recorded 1972” / “mediumship, animals and life force,” Mickey was asked about what was going on at this moment on his side.  He replied:

. . . all around and about you tiered are many many souls, many peoples from different environments, different vibrations, different evolutional — condition of evolution — and they’re all sort of gathering around.  And they’re conjuring the fact that things are going on in the middle — and that there is a possibility of making some contact or communication.  And they’re all trying to tune in — and be conscious and aware of what’s going on.  And most of them to some extent are — but they’re not always able themselves to enter into the arena that I call the middle and they can only sort of be bystanders and transmit.   And sometimes we have to pick up their thoughts and hand it out to you.  And sometimes on rare occasions — very rare occasions — we speak in the first person for them.  A lot depends on the individual.  If they ever shadow us or come very close to us we are taking on something from them and transmitting to you.  We prefer them to do it personally but occasionally they will use one of us to transmit and then we take on something of them and their personality and we lose our own identity temporarily.

Mickey was then asked if he was a medium and he replied, “Oh I suppose in a kind of way I am a medium.  Yes.”  When questioned, “Do you see them, Mickey, or is this mental?” Mickey said:

Oh it depends.  If we tune in to their particular environment or vibration, if they are lowering their sense of condition as it were —  to tune in with us then we become aware of their voice even ("MY" [4:04]) — pick up their mental thoughts and we try to help them and to bring them forward and help them to transmit and — and sometimes of course we do it for them.  It’s all a matter of vibration.  A matter of tuning in.  A matter of being in Oneness as it were.  Some do it, some don’t.

In the initial 1953 recording made by Flint among a group of sitters, 'Mickey' is heard in the childlike emanation for brief interludes.  It is noted at the "Recordings" page: "this early audio was rescued from a vintage 'reel to reel' tape and is running a little faster than normal speech."  Eight other personalities are also heard:  Dr. Charles Marshall, Rose Hawkins, John Marsden, Rose De Crespigny, 'Old George,' Frederic Chopin, White Wing, and (sounds like) 'Toey,' a communicator related to one of the sitters.  An additional very clear phenomenal voice can be heard saying only "NO" at 11:14.  In his autobiography Flint reported he had youthful experience as a trance medium and that White Wing "was one of the spiritually evolved entities who often controlled me in our circle before my independent direct voice mediumship developed."  A similar incident is described in a previous blog article.   

At the "Recordings" page, there are also two Mickey discourses from 1985 and 1987.  Here are some excerpts from the concluding commentary of the 1987 recording

People talk about being dead.  They talk about the spirit world as if it's just one world.  It ain't.  It's thousands of different states of being according to one's evolution and how you progress from one state to another state.

It's not what I say.  It's what is impressed upon me to say.  And there's always a group around me who are much more highly involved and they're much more experienced.  And then I pick up from them what I have to give.

. . . God's good if you believe in God.  And God ain't a man sitting on a throne neither.  He's a eternal vibration of life which is in every human being and in all God's creation.  You see people think of God as a person.  I suppose it's from the distant past they have to create him.  You know, but man is in the image in a sense but it's a spiritual realization about God.  I wish I could explain it. —Mickey, October 21, 1985

At You Tube's The New Leslie Flint Educational Trust Channel, there are some more new "Mickey" recordings now available.  In addition to celebrated names from different epochs found in recordings, there are also names of humble communicators such as David Cattanach, Rose Hawkins, Sam Lumten, Jenny Wilson and Sam Woods.

Here are some transcript excerpts from the "Oscar Wilde" and "St. Matthew" recordings.

Well I must admit it's a relief to be asked to discuss one's life over here, in preference to one's life when on Earth, because in any case my life when on Earth is pretty well known among the gossip-mongers.  If I were to say to you that my life here is not unlike my life on Earth, you'd probably be very horrified.  But it happens to be perfectly true and I've no regrets about it whatsoever. —Oscar Wilde, 1962

The animating force behind all life is the spirit and no one knows how to harness this power.  When one knows how to utilize it for the good, not only of self for that should always be the last thought, but for others.  Jesus did not come into your world to found a religion.  Man has created the religious aspect [and] built around it an edifice which has obscured the simplicity and the beauty and the harmony and the love of the reality of the spirit that animated Jesus. —St. Matthew the Apostle, September 3, 1974

The large selection of Flint audio recordings that may be heard at wholejoy.com include other early Flint seance recordings circa 1954 in a "First Recordings" section, beginning with "Leslie Flint Initial Recordings - Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky Lays Out the Ground Rules for the Sitters - Frederic Chopin, Benjamin Disraeli and Others Come Through.mp3."  Here is an excerpt from the transcript of the Blavatsky commentary.

I do hope that I did not give a bad impression last week.  If I appeared autocratic or dictatorial, it was not my intention.  It was merely that my first attempt to communicating I was perhaps a little, shall we say concerned as to whether my voice was registering and also that you should have to some extent some part of my earthly personality, which fortunately very little is now the same.  Like many other souls here, I have learned many things and I have progressed.  And I, of course, do realize in your point of view that it is interesting and perhaps sometimes evidential to have the personality of a communicator as that person was known when on Earth.  We must have organization on both side and in consequence I do want you to try to be punctual each week . . . —Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, circa 1954

Some of the speakers who have their own sections of multiple audio recordings available for listening are: Annie Nanji, Brother John, Dr. Charles Marshall, Cosmo Gordon Lang, Douglas Conacher, Frederic Chopin, Lucius Lucillus, Rudolph Valentino, Rev. Stainton Moses and Dr. Stephen Ward.

Leslie Flint included in his autobiography some of Cosmo Lang's comments about Spirit, including:

It is the force which animates all who live in human form, everything in nature, and all manifestations of life in the universe.

When you die you will continue to live in your more subtle spiritual double which is often called the astral body and which vibrates at a greater frequency than does your physical body.

The communicator of a March 5, 1975 Flint seance recording is identified as Marilyn Monroe ('Norma Jean').  Although the sound quality is not optimal with this recording, Marilyn is heard to comment about the legendary circumstances of her physical demise: "It was an accident.  And people in our time say it was murder."

Another famous communicator is Marie Curie.  Here is an excerpt from this recording.

I think to myself as I look back on my life I realize now that what I had to do I did.  It was not just by myself, you know.  A lot of things, you know, we call inspiration, you know — which in a way is so but we don’t know — I did not know then that I was to some extent being used by people from this side of life.  A lot of the things that we sometimes think come from ourselves do not necessarily come that way but they are impri — impression, you know — guidance from people on this side of life who help us, you know. —Marie Curie, November 30, 1984

As 2016 arrives, moviegoers know about fictional ascended 'Jedi'Anakin Skywalker, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobiwhile evidently only a small proportion of the public know anything about the documented cases of transcendental communicators such as Ramtha, Yada di Shi'ite or Paul.

Studying the annals of transcendental communication has made me comprehend how individual memory and self-awareness is a condition reflecting the Divine Spirit within ourselves, making possible the perception of our shared Oneness.

Previous blog articles about Leslie Flint's mediumship include: "Unique Recordings of Direct Voice Phenomena", "Link to a New Recording at The Leslie Flint Educational Trust Website", "Direct Voice Seance Phenomena" and "Rosemary Brown's Comments about Direct Voice Medium Leslie Flint".

Leslie Flint and sitters Betty Greene and George Woods heard this statement from an unfamiliar voice during a seance: "Recently you were discussing me and in consequence it gives me a very great pleasure to come and talk to you.  My name is Gandhi . . . ."


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