Reflections after Six Years Blogging

It is now the beginning of my seventh year blogging about metaphysical and spiritual topics.  The complex circumstances reported in recent months about documented cases of so-called 'paranormal phenomena' include correspondences and variations among mediumship and channeling cases. 

Among many human 'mediums' who have been a topic of blog articles at "Interesting Articles, Links and Other Media," Daniel Dunglas Home (1933-1886) occasionally became entranced for interludes when a transcendental communicator was heard to speak through him.  Home commented about the manifestations of "spiritual causes acting on this world of nature": "I have not and never had the slightest power over them, either to bring them on, or to send them away, or to increase, or to lessen them.  What may be the peculiar laws under which they have become developed in my person, I know no more than others."  Two blog articles about D. D. Home are "Trance Communication and D. D. Home" and "No. 1 Seance from Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr. D. D. Home".

The word 'channeler' is an alternate expression for people who facilitate transcendental communication.  Last year, while writing a series of articles about the JZ Knight/Ramtha case and reviewing a 2014 Ramtha radio interview, I realized that the recording with recurring so-called 'Electronic Voice Phenomena' offers evidence of the phenomenal aspects of the case. 

Throughout many decades, the programming of the commercial news media in relation to paranormal phenomena has reflected a social consciousness of skepticism to avoid potential audience or advertiser displeasure.  In the 2014 interview, Ramtha informed his interviewer that if all journalists were as open-minded as him and wouldn't be censured we would be on to the next level.  Previous blog articles about the philosophically complicated JZ Knight/Ramtha case include "Ramtha: An Introduction to Unlimitedness" and "Ramtha in Los Angeles 2006".  When I attended the Los Angeles lecture, Ramtha's initial commentary included:

I am Ramtha the Enlightened One, servant under God, under the Christ and unto you.  For you be both those divine beings.  So this day in your time I am honored to be a part of this august body and for this short time in your time to impart to your life meaningful change, to make wonder happen, and to evolve you.  [wryly]  An easy task.
While writing the recent article "The Brothers Davenport", I noticed a book offering a definition for 'media' and 'medium' befitting the title of this blog (A Sketch of the History of the Davenport Boys, Their Mediumship, Journeyings, and the Manifestations and Tests Given in Their Presence by the Spirits by Luke P. Rand, 1859).

Medium [or its plural, Media or Mediums] is "The means or instrument by which anything is accomplished, conveyed, or carried on"; as "Intelligence is conveyed through the medium of the press";—Webster.

"Everything in creation, from the ant, or minutest infusoria, up to man; or from the smallest leaf or flower, to worlds that roll in space, is mediumistic, in its kind, to the life-force and wisdom of the Infinite Spirit, God!

The transcripts of transcendental communicators explain that at the end of the Earth sojourn, human consciousness makes a transition to an ascended realm of existence.  One of the books offering transcripts of audible Direct Voice communication tape-recorded in the presence of medium Leslie Flint (1911-1994) is There Is Life After Death: Tape Recordings from the Other World (1978) by Douglas and Eira Conacher.  Here are two brief excerpts from one of the transcribed discourses about life on 'the other side':

Here nothing is hidden.  Everything is shown gradually, in its evolution.  If you want to tune-in to someone for whom you have admiration, you can see that person and by the mere process of thought, enter into a condition of their life and their personality.  You see events as they actually happened in the form of picturisation in ether, almost as if you were watching a moving picture screen — a cinema screen.

Although we are separate individuals, we must remember that we are all part of each other, and we are all dependent on each other.  We all contribute to each other's happiness or unhappiness, and that is why it behooves us all to give out love — to give out all that is good from within ourselves.  In this way, the whole scheme of life could be changed.

The most recent blog article about Leslie Flint is "Leslie Flint in Los Angeles".  Another series of blog articles concerns trance medium/channeler Mark Probert (1907-1969), including "Mark Probert and The Inner Circle" and "Yada Speaks".  Here is an excerpt from the transcript of the last lecture by the transcendental communicator known as 'Yada' speaking through Probert:

Man labors under the impression that he does things on his own.  But almost no one can do things on their own.  There is that condition called 'the great mind' — the great cosmic consciousness — the highest center of awareness which the low self, the conscious self, the ego-conscious self is not aware of.

Sometimes, this great mind is called THE CHRIST — the light of the Christ. 

Once when the entranced Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) was asked "Should the Christ Consciousness be described as the awareness within each soul, imprinted in pattern on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul's oneness with God?," the transcendental communicator answered: "Correct.  That's the idea exactly!"  Blog articles about Edgar Cayce include "Case Profile: Edgar Cayce" and "Esoteric Aspects of Edgar Cayce's Life".

During the last six years, some of the data considered in articles at this blog includes:

There are photographs of materialized people from the ascended realm of human existence.  (1, 2, 3)

There have been audio-visual transmissions that show life in realms beyond the physical plane.  (1, 2)

There are videos (now available on You Tube) that offer proof of clairvoyance and clairaudience.  (1, 2)

There are videos and audio recordings that offer proof of channeling.  (1, 2, 3, 4)

There are 'channeled' musical compositions, songs and artwork in the precise style of famous artists and composers.  (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

There are hundreds of audio recordings of Direct Voice communication that may be heard without charge on the Internet.  (1, 2)

One photo shows ectoplasm emanating from the neck of medium Leslie Flint to form the 'voicebox' for the Direct Voice phenomena.  (1)

What today is called EVP can be heard on all unedited broadcasts and recordings.  How carefully are you listening?  (1, 2, 3)

There is a photograph of a 'Bigfoot.'  (1

One representative of an unknown native American hominid tribe was groomed for exhibition and became a worldwide sensation during the Victorian Age.  (1, 2)

There are case study books about reincarnation.  (1, 2, 3)

There are letters from aboard a flying saucer.  (1)

Here are ten previous blog posts that I recommend for newcomer blog readers or novice researchers of so-called 'paranormal' or 'unexplained phenomena' (in order of publication) —






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