'Spirit Communication' Through Kevin Ryerson

The video "Exploring Ancient Egypt Adventure—Initiation with Sekmet" includes a brief Kevin Ryerson channeling session.

During the year 1987 there was a stock market crash, the Iran-Contra Affair made headlines, and the average monthly rent was $395.  In January that year, trance channeling became a matter of consideration for the American television audience when Kevin Ryerson was featured in a sequence of the mini-series "Out on a Limb" adapted from Shirley MacLaine's autobiographical book. 

In 1998, there were wars in Yugoslavia and the Congo, the Monica Lewinsky scandal made headlines, Matthew Shepard was crucified in Wyoming, and I attended a Kevin Ryerson trance channeling session at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles.  On this occasion was heard each of the three entities who have most consistently spoken through Kevin.  Although I had never seen a professional channeler before, what I saw and heard convinced me the channeling was authentic.
In recent years, Kevin has been associated with the non-profit organization The Tree of Life Foundation; and with Walter Semkiw, M.D. founded the Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit.  Kevin and Walter may be seen in a 2014 Andaaz Television interview video.  Walter has been researching reincarnation cases since 1996 and was told by a trance medium in 1984 that United States President John Adams is one of his previous incarnations.  Beyond documenting his own case, Walter has written that he has used one of Kevin's 'guides' to establish a plethora of reincarnation cases. 

Considering photographs in Walter's book Return of the Revolutionaries (2003), in addition to some identical 'matches' suggestive of individual physical reincarnation, it seems evident that many comparisons present metaphorical 'reincarnation' associations — an aspect of transcendental communication cases that I've noticed before (1, 2)
This is an example of photographs suggesting individual physical reincarnation in Return of the Revolutionaries.

The Andaaz video at 8:22-14:37 offers an example of Kevin channeling 'Atun-Re' with whom Walter Semkiw consulted about reincarnation cases.  There is also a brief interlude with 'John' seen in the interview.  An audio example of Kevin channeling 'Tom MacPherson' can be heard with the YouTube videos "Edmon Wollmann Talks to Tom MacPherson Kevin Ryerson".  Kevin's autobiography Spirit Communication: The Soul's Path (1989) was written with Stephanie Harolde and includes transcript excerpts of teachings from these personalities and from other transcendental communicators who have occasionally been heard: Obadiah, Japu, Little Elk, Redkin, Ercon, 'Group Entity,' Hiram, and Antony.

Describing his early years (in Sandusky, Ohio; born 1951) in the book, Kevin mentioned that he was attending high school when he discovered the work of Edgar Cayce.  Six months after joining a meditation study group using Cayce's techniques, "the meditations seemed to trigger a trance channeling state."  A tape recording of the channeling that occurred was played back for Kevin to hear.  This was the first time he heard the Entity 'John' speak.  John became the only communicator to speak through Kevin's trances for several years.  This is how Kevin describes in his autobiography John and the two other often-recurring personalities who have spoken through him.

A soft-spoken personality, John identifies himself as an Essene scholar of Hebrew ancestry and a disciple of the man Jesus.  On occasion he has identified himself as John, son of Zebedee, and has talked about his experiences as one of the twelve apostles.  His manner of expression is what we would think of as "biblical," both in his language, such as the use of the biblical pronouns ye and thee, and in his many references from that time period.  But John's knowledge is not limited to biblical times.  He is able to give discourse on the spiritual and philosophical knowledge of all ages and cultures and seems to have spontaneous access to such fields as modern physics, medicine, and advanced technology.

Tom identifies himself as an Irish pickpocket who lived about four hundred years ago, in Shakespeare's England.  He applies his Irish charm and wit to helping individuals overcome emotional blockages and make career and other practical life decisions.

Atun-Re, who started coming through me in 1981, is of Nubian descent.  He lived in lower Egypt around the middle 1300s B.C. and was a student of the teachings of Imhotep, the great Egyptian architect, and an adviser to the pharaoh Akhnaton.  Like MacPherson, Atun-Re teaches with humor, but like John, he accesses a wide range of both spiritual and technical information.  Atun-Re has channeled extensively on meditation, the chakras, the ancient mysteries, and intuition and dreams.

Ryerson reported:

. . . John has spoken of at least two lifetimes we shared among the ancient Essenes.  And according to Tom MacPherson, I was an English magistrate in his time period, and some of his mischievous behavior occasionally brought him up before my bar.

Trance channeling is a talent, not a "power."  It is a natural human ability.

John has said, "Even as our childhood actions shape our adult personality, so in turn, actions from past lives can shape entire lifetimes."

Here are some perspectives of 'God' (or 'The God Force') as quoted from the transcendental communicators speaking through Kevin.

There are many descriptions of God, but only one that reveals that great being's true nature.  God is love, and love is the altruism that exists in each and every one of you.  It is the ability to give forth from yourselves as abundant beings.  For if you are immortal, if you are a spirit, if you are the children of God, then you may give of yourself in no shallowness and no hesitation.  And you will then, in each act, transcend the mundaneness of the physical plane and become more and more the children of God.  For this is the merger of the mind, the body, and the spirit in dedication and service to God.

If there is inspiration in a name—as in the name of Jesus or Buddha or Mohammed or Brahma—and meditation upon such causes movement within, then it is wise to take that name as a point of focus.  But remember that names are only points of focus.  All the names of the Hebrews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Essenes, and Muslims are but points of focus.  It is God which gives them relevance.  So, if you desire to focus yourselves upon God, work in the name of love, that you may manifest these properties.

Tom MacPherson
Remember that you are God.  That is your only purpose—although you may choose to go about remembering it in a unique way, in terms of occupation, talent, diet, prayer, meditation, and religion.

What is God?  God is the interlinking of yourself with the whole.  It is from the whole that the inner light comes.

Here are some more excerpts from the teachings presented in Spirit Communication: The Soul's Path.
According to the degree to which you recall yourself as God, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.  Wisdom is simply applied knowledge.  Never confuse knowledge with the truth.  The truth is simply that God is love.  Eventually, all of your knowledge, all of your wisdom, all of your actions, be they positive or negative, must surrender to the truth, that you may indeed embrace all things with a wise nature.  For there are many paths that may lead you to the truth, but never confuse the path with the truth itself, for it is the truth that shall set you free.

Each of you has a specific band or spectrum of spirit guides and teachers, who are with you.  Fluctuations in your states of spiritual growth determine which entities you attract.

From you who are incarnate, we who dwell outside of physical time and space learn such things as caring, love, and patience.  Each individual learns from the others, for indeed, you do not inhabit the physical body, you inhabit the human personality, which is the by-product of the sojourn of both the spirit and the soul through the material planes.

This is more than a philosophy—it is that you would become the causal force upon this plane.  It is more than a thought, it is that you are the causal force in the creation upon this plane.


The  physical body is the temple wherein the soul, which is the portion of God within you, has chosen to reside.  So therefore, the soul is your linkage with the universe, and the physical body is but an expression of that soul on this plane.  The physical body carries within it all the unique patterns of your past lives.

Your superconscious mind, which is synonymous with the spirit, is the sum total of all of your past lives and all your future potentials.  It is a vast ocean of comic consciousness that all of you are one with.  When you incarnate, or when this consciousness focuses itself through the physical body at your birth, then, collectively, the events in this lifetime are the sum total and expression of all of your past lives and all of your future lives transpiring simultaneously.

To understand human sexuality, you must become at one with your own sexuality.  The way to do this is not by dividing yourselves into roles of male and female, but by merging those roles totally within the self.


What happens to the soul upon death?  Ha—you remain in the divine; the soul does not die.  The lifetime never ends.  You mean, what happens when the physical body decides to lay itself down?  Never confuse the personality with the soul.  No, no—this is your worst mistake!  The soul remains in the divine.  It is the Christ.  It is that which sits at the right-hand throne of God.

When the master Jesus obtained his level of ascension, his personality went to that level, and this is what you are seeking to do.  This is your ascension.  He was fortunate also to take his physical body with him as a demonstration that the spirit is the master of the physical.  That is your end goal as well, though you do not necessarily need to ascend, since in each moment spent in the physical you obtain the same level and achievement of Christ Consciousness, until eventually you have a personality that is worthy of eternal life.  And then that representative on this plane never dies or is altered—for it is perfect.

The personality is reflective of all the things that have come through many past lives.  When those things which are karmic have been cleared, all that remains is the pure essence of your past lives.

Tom MacPherson

Persons who complain a lot about being incarnate are being just a little bit shallow because you really spend more time in spirit than you do on the physical planes anyway.  You only incarnate for your final exams; most of your study is done over here.

With regard to physical afflictions, a person may come in with a limp because perhaps he trapped animals rather cruelly in a previous life and caused them to walk around with a limp.  In this life he is identifying with their experience, with the suffering he caused them.  It's stored in his old memory bank.

Souls occasionally move on to other planets after they leave the earth plane, but not until they get over most of their karma here—unless they pay perhaps just a slight visit to one of the other planes within this solar system.  But an individual doesn't go beyond the solar system until he more or less masters its frequency.

You were once incarnate in the animal kingdoms, and indeed there is ancestor memory of those experiences; however, you do not come back in animal forms.  Animals can reincarnate, however.  Your cat in Egypt could indeed be your dog in this lifetime.  They incarnate according to your degree of emotional attachment to them.

I, Ercon, of the ship Arcumi, come to speak with you, children of Earth.  We have come forth to bring you knowledge of yourselves as beings of energy.  We who occupy the ethereal body would send you greetings from those planes of existence of Sirius, Orion, Pleiades.  We bring you greetings so that you would increase your knowledge in the expansion of your being to seek also to embrace a higher property of knowledge, that in the universe you are not alone.  That these things are given so that you would expand.

Kevin Ryerson's website is kevinryerson.com / kryerson.com.   Concerning the 2014 Andaaz Television interview video, apparent instances of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) can be heard at  10:32 ("YOU") and 14:01 ("IT'S GOOD").  In the audio interview presented in the video "Edmon Wollmann Talks to Tom MacPherson Kevin Ryerson 1", the transcendental communicator can be heard mentioning to Edmon, ". . . rather than looking at merely the one lifetime, I took a quick scan upon the others."


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