Paulina Peavy Interview on Long John Nebel Radio Show 1958

The intelligence speaking through Paulina Peavy said: " . . . we are using her exactly as you use your microphone.  We are beings existing in a world of too high frequency for your comprehension."  (This photo of  'Pauline Peavy' is from the 1971 book The Age of Flying Saucers by Paris Flammonde.)
Upon listening to a commercial audio CD with MP3 files of 1950s radio shows hosted by 'Long John Nebel,' the most intriguing guest was described in the show descriptions with her name misspelled: "A Mrs. Pievey went into a trance and communicated with spirits."  The expression 'channeler' wasn't a commonly known term at the time so there was some difficulty for Nebel when he attempted to explain her circumstances.  Joining Nebel in asking questions of the interview guests were a couple of "The Party Line" recurring panelists.

During this January 1958 broadcast, the predominant interview subject was 'the mystic barber' of Brooklyn, Andy Sinatra, who wore a metal headband and professed to have experience with astral projection.  At one point Sinatra said: "The public likes to laugh and wants a little comedy once in a while . . . I'm putting on a show . . . It's based on certain real things . . . This [astral projection] is my own experience."

When Nebel first spoke about the possibility of talking with Peavy later in the broadcast, he mentioned that she had brought with her one painting and a number of photos of other paintings plus some masks.  He said: "And this lady goes into a trance.  She goes to different dimensions and when she's in these different dimensions she paints these pictures.  Now I know nothing about the trance state or the other dimensions but the pictures are beautiful.  There's no two ways about that."

Approximately two hours later, Nebel introduced Paulina Peavy as "a lady who goes into a trance and during the time that she's in the trance she receives inspirations to paint.  Now I possibly have not phrased this right but this is about all I know at the moment.  I can say this to you though — that Pauline Peavy is an artist, inventor, designer, sculptor, poet, writer and lecturer."  Nebel continued:

And she was born in Colorado City.  She lived most of her adult life on the West Coast.  And she has received degrees in art and education from leading colleges and schools as well as honors and awards in art and architecture.  Possibly some of you people have seen her work at the various art galleries.  Now, Miss Peavy is sitting to my right.  To her left opposite me is Dave Bell.  To my left, opposite Miss Peavy is Charles Leedham.  Miss Peavy has a very, very unusual mask on.  To describe the mask, I would say that it looks like a base color of chartreuse with gray stripes — sort of charcoal gray stripes running through it diagonally.  There are many fancy trimmings around it.  It's a very large mask that covers at least three-quarters of her face.  There are pearls on both sides of the mask and a number of pieces of metal.  I would say it's a very, very attractive and a very beautiful work of art as far as masks are concerned.  And she tells us that it's important that she wears this mask during the time that she's in the trance state.

Nebel began the interview by asking her when did she first realize that she could go into a trance.   Peavy showed none of Sinatra's jocularity as she answered questions and this sensibility was consistent throughout the interview.  She replied: "At least twenty-five years ago.  I heard voices — very strange voices coming through me."  Nebel said, "Coming through you?"  She replied, "Yes — startled me a very great deal although I had been investigating the mystery of my paintings, which started coming twenty-five years ago."  As Nebel began asking her a new question, Peavy began loudly grunting.  She attempted to explain while going in and out of trance.

Now — now — I explain — when — when such power moves in, the strange sounds are caused by the power taking over.  You see Paulina squirming about because we are putting into her being high voltage and in order to receive us and maintain herself, she has had to build up her electrodes to meet our high voltage.  (change in voice tone)  Well that's the way they come in.  And then they release me and then apparently I talk.

Nebel asked her, "How do you feel when you're in a trance, Pauline?"

Well, I feel very exhilarated and (change in voice tone) now, as you will see, this is not the voice of Paulina for we have not released her entirely.  Although we have prepared her that when we come through we are using her exactly as you use your microphone.  We are beings existing in a world of too high frequency for your comprehension.  And we need to lower our frequency by this manner that our thought will be audible to you.  We use Paulina who uses us.  Together, we have painted many thousands of paintings in her — several hundred, probably near a thousand for the purpose of introducing ourselves to you in the way that we desire to be introduced.  For you have many ideas regarding us that are your ideas and they are not our reality.  And as we come to you in many ways and you call us 'flying saucers,' 'space men,' 'Venusians,' and other of your names we need to introduce ourselves in our language.  And our language is not a babble tongue for we communicate with each other in our world by sending or radiographing, as you would say, pictures.  (change in voice tone)  I think the pause is for questions.

Peavy went on to explain:

The beings that I entertain are universal beings who do not render (change in voice tone) individual personalities as you do in your world.  We are universal beings.  We do not place upon ourselves labels as do you to call ourselves John Doe forever for we now, hold your hats — for we have found perpetuity of life.  And it would be very droll if we called ourselves Paulina Peavy for the rest — from now on.  Therefore, we come and many times when you hear one voice you hear a multitude of us.  For we are in a world whereby we have thoughts simultaneously with uncountable legions of us.  We do not give Paulina personal names for us.  She has a name which is her name when she speaks to us.  We do not use your names in our world. 

There was another pause and Dave Bell asked, "Are the people in this world like we are?"

We are your elders.  We ages ago were like you, as you.  We have progressed by many eons of time beyond your station and now we exist as a perfected—you would say—seed.  When you see us and we are able to reduce our high frequency waves to come into your sight in your skies; and you see us as flying saucers, we are showing you our planetary form for we are a single cell with one eye.  The original eye.  Out of that single cell we mutate into creature form as you take your birth.

Dave Bell said, "Then the explanation of the flying saucers is an attempt of these people to enter into our world?"

We have never departed you and your world.  And the world is not as you think you see it with your two outer eyes.  You might say the world, id (or "ID"), an atomic nature of matter.  We do not see skies like you see skies.  We see into the eye of the atom.  Even the eye of the atom that you smash.  And you know that when you smash an atom you see volumes of infinity emerging from that microscopic eye.  We indwell, ourselves, our eye — we are interspacial beings coming out, emerging or slowing up our molecular rate that you might perceive us. 

Nebel asked Dave to give her a glass of water and permit her to rest.  Before Peavy resumed her participation in the broadcast, Andy Sinatra was interviewed further.  At one point Nebel asked Sinatra to "do a little spacetalk for us."  Sinatra cooperated and the syllables sounded to Leedham as being like American Indian languages.  Nebel and his panelists were soon wisecracking and convulsing with laughter.  At one point Andy mentioned having been with Peavy when he experimented with her guide: "He said to us that if there was nine people there . . . he would make himself visible.  But we didn't have nine people that were in harmonious vibration."  Later, Nebel directed Peavy to ask her spirit mentor to translate the space language that would be given by 'the mystic barber.'  After Nebel stated that Peavy had her mask on again and he reintroduced her to the listening audience, she began groaning and there was a resumption of the trance communication.

We travel in space from a point of time to a point of time, which tells you absolutely nothing, meaning that we are almost as bewildered as you about space travel.  (pause)  We make our food by the power of thought.  The best that we can explain to you is that we counteract the disintegration of atoms in space.  And our food is wholly made by the power of thought as we travel in our state of electronic fluidity.  (pause)  You have a saying that your home is where you hang your hat.  Our home is where we think it is.  As we know no boundaries like you, we move through walls—your walls—faster than the speed of light like your radio beams move through obstacles that are obstacles only to you.  (pause and then the voice makes sounds similar to Andy's chanting)  Oh ho ho ho ho — ho ho ho, yes Andy, ha aa ah — yeah ha ha.  We did visit you in behalf of our work.  As you saw it.   When we thank you for your currupo — cooperation in our bequest.  For we asked you not to tamper with Paulina and us in our connection and you so graciously acceded.  Time writes a heavy hand for seers.  We need all the cooperation from your men of science that we can get.  We need to work with you to make this matter understandable which means scientific — this matter of the sensitives of your world who have been contacting us throughout the ages and who have not been understood.  We see no more burning of your Joan of Arcs but we do see ridicule by those who are not enlightened regarding this relay system.  A voice projection — astro-projection as you call it.  Andrew, when we take you to a planet called the moon, we take you to a solar system within yourself in correlation to the outer, as you call, solar system.  (pause)  We have helped you make your headband.  We have given you all the secrets for such a headband we placed upon Paulina twenty years ago — an unseen magnetic headband.  We placed a magnetic field upon her head and upon her right ear which has been there for twenty-fi(ve) — twenty years.  And longer but twenty years to her knowledge.  Permitting us to motivate through her vocaluary gland with her ego still conscious.  Ha ha ha ha ha ha — (utterances like Indian chanting) — We are so elated that such a program as this is possible in your age.  We are so happy to find your open-minded attitude toward our contact with you to the state whereby you can broadcast our voice — our voices.   Andrew, the bread of life is life.  Your questions.  (pause then change of voice tone)  If you wish to ask about their world — now, you see, I — when I think I'm out of the trance (change of voice tone) I'm not.  I mean that their voices and mine sometime are simultaneous. 

Nebel asked, "I wonder if you could — could we get any information about Sputnik?  The Earth satellite."

We regret to say that matter made by the hand cannot sustain by safe travel.  We know that you gain great knowledges.  What a fantastic thing to send — a body hurtling out into an orbit.  How wonderful if you could gather together your admiration for scientific achievement forgetting your desire to blow somebody to bits.  We ask you to please change the subject.  We are too adamant.  You would not like it were we to go all out.

Charles Leedham stated, "You would prefer questions on another subject, is that it?"

Questions about our existence we shall ask.

Nebel then said, "I think in all fairness, Charles, I've been informed by one of the — Miss Peavy's friends who happen to be up here at the present time that she's under terrific strain and that we shouldn't talk any more to the spirit voice — permit Miss Peavy to relax."  Then Andy Sinatra was interviewed once more.  

This January 1958 broadcast recording is now available for listening on You Tube.

This week I conducted an Internet search to see what other information is available about Pauline/Paulina Peavy (1901-1999).  In addition to a short biography at AskART citing Artists in California 1786-1940 by Edan Hughes, there is a patent description for Beneficial skin and tissue cover device, Trademark data, and artist file data for holdings at the Frick Collection and Frick Art Reference Library.  

Two noteworthy articles were found.  In an text entitled Architect and Engineer with the date of January 1944, an article was found with the headline "California Artist's Work Reviewed by 'Art Digest.'"  There was commentary about the "astonishing paintings" by "Mrs. Pauline Peavy of California."  A reviewer with the initials 'M.R.' compared her work with Salvador Dali's and wrote: "The keynote of the exhibition of 59 paintings, the work of the last seven years, is a 14-foot long panel of 'The Last Supper.'  In colors like Byzantine enamels, she has painted the figure of Christ as compassionate, of pure thought and absolute justice and the disciples as representing various aspects of our character."

An article published in the Brooklyn Eagle on November 25, 1946 included a photograph of Peavy and quoted Peavy about how life on Earth would improve once the secret of atomic energy is discovered: "We should then be able to make use of atomic energy to multiply, rather than use its power to disintegrate as the atomic bomb does now."
11/22/15 Update: There is now a Paulina Peavy website:  Her bio mentions: "While she was a traditionally trained artist, her art grew out of her 60-year relationship with an ethereal spirit mentor, whom she called Lacamo.  Speaking through a medium, Lacamo directed Peavy to a lifetime endeavor of research, writing, and artistic expression.  Many of Peavy’s paintings are signed in both her name and in the name of “Lacamo.”  Below is an example of her channeled artwork.



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