Metaphorical Correlations Among 'Paranormal' Cases

This article offers some examples of recurring metaphors that can be found among diverse case studies involving 'paranormal' or 'unexplained phenomena,' encompassing clairvoyance and diverse cases of transcendental communication, including Electronic Voice Phenomena reported by Friedrich Jürgenson, an incident from contemporary spiritual medium Rosemary Altea's autobiography, a Leslie Flint Direct Voice audio recording, Ouija board communication in the 'Messages from Michael' case, Instrumental Transcommunication chronicled by Anabela Cardoso, an event in the career of physical medium Alec Harris, and an incident reported as chronicled in the nonfiction case study Testament.  Metaphorical parallels in these instance include an oceanic 'ship in the dark' and face masks.  The article concludes with several excerpts from the Edgar Cayce channeled reading transcripts. 
Voice Transmissions With The Deceased, an English translation of Sprechfunk mit Verstorbenen (1967) by Friedrich Jürgenson (1903 - 1987) can be read at  Jürgenson was born in Odessa, Russia.  His early professional career in the fine arts spanned nine years of training and two years performing as a singer.  He then became a painter and his new occupation included exhibitions and traveling.  He also had done a few radio specials on cultural history with the Swedish Broadcasting Company, including a show about the end of the Tzarist empire that motivated him to research the case of Anastasia.  He was living in Stockholm in 1959 when on the morning of January 12 he set out to record birdsongs in a countryside garden.  When he listened to what had been recorded, he discovered what is now known as Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP).  The book describes his investigation of the phenomena.  Further remarkable experiences occurred in July, as he wrote:

After some hours of concentrated listening, and getting used to the disturbing noises, a pleasant male voice started to emerge from the chaos of sounds.  The voice spoke English with deep conviction and an unusual intonation.

After a small pause the name "Churchill" was audible, then suddenly another male voice started to speak in German. Though speaking without an accent, the sentence came through ungrammatically.  The voice literally said, "Tsar-region we must springtime speak about . . ."

"Tsar-region," didn't that sound strange?  I immediately had to think about Anastasia.

"Friedrich, you're being observed . . ." added the same voice with firm emphasis.

Before the transmission ended, a sentence was thrust out very hurriedly: "Friedrich" the voice called out my name, "When you translate and interpret into German during the day, try to solve the truth every evening with the ship . . . with the ship in the dark!"

This charade-like phrase set my fantasy in motion. Though it left me puzzled, it became clear to me that the transmission was meant for me personally.
Many living well-known mediums who've written autobiographies include Rosemary Altea, John Edward, Sally Morgan and James Van Praagh.  Rosemary Altea chronicled how she came to be on a first name basis with her spirit guide while recounting the first part of her life story in The Eagle and the Rose (1995).  The beginning portion of the book is about her life in England where Altea was a divorced mother raising a ten-year-old daughter when she experienced her first unexpected trance.  It happened while she was describing her psychic experiences to a small gathering hosted by a local healer and his wife. 

The more I talked, the more I found I had to say, and then I saw it, quite naturally and quite clearly.  It was just like being in a cinema when the lights grow dim and the people all around you fade into the background.  Then the screen lights up, showing the picture bright and clear and larger than life, so all-consuming that it pulls you through the void which separates the real from the unreal, allowing you to become part of the scene being unfolded before you.

Altea recounted a vision of an ocean and an enormous gray battleship approaching.  She became aware of a lady standing on the deck wearing a gray dress with a badge and on her head was a gray bonnet that appeared similar to those seen worn by ladies of the Salvation Army.  Altea realized that the lady had no face.

I know this sounds incredible, but where her features should have been, there was none. No eyes, no nose, no mouth . . . just a blank mask.

As I watched, her arms reached out to me beseechingly, and I heard her voice, as if from nowhere, crying out for help.

The ship was sinking and just when Altea thought the vision was over, the whole thing started again "as though someone were rerunning a film."  As Altea's mediumship abilities began to develop, she was getting into bed one night and asked God to give her a sign if what she was doing was right.  The immediate response was Altea hearing what she described as "Angels — singing!"   They were singing the twenty-third psalm, "The Lord is my shepherd . . . "

Two weeks later, Altea went on her first visit to a spiritualist church in the city of Doncaster.   The following Friday, she attended another small gathering where the speaker, Mick McGuire, was a practicing healer who revealed himself to work with a spirit guide that was a Native American chief known as Red Feather.  When McGuire held her hands, she began to shake as she felt "strange and strong vibrations" run through her body.  He explained that the surge of energy was the result of his guide acknowledging her guide.  Researching the subject, she was struck by the fact that so many of these guides seemed to be American Indians.  It was something that seemed "farfetched" to her at the time.

In her book, Altea described her progress.  She participated each week in a 'circle' where she developed her mediumship abilities.  She eventually began to give psychic readings and found herself experiencing trance states.  In February 1982, her spirit guide made himself known by introducing himself speaking through her: "My name is Grey Eagle, and I am Apache."

Altea discovered that healing was an extension of her mediumship ability and today she is the founder of the Rosemary Altea Association of Healers, a charitable association based in England with patients worldwide.  To explain how this healing works, she mentioned "energy, universal . . . God . . . energy, that healing energy which a healer can 'plug' into in the same way we might use electricity, I liken it to that same electric power, unseen and intangible, but nevertheless just as real and much more powerful."
Infrared photo (
Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint's autobiography is Voices in the Dark: My Life as a Medium (1972).  In another book chronicling Flint's mediumship The Voice of Valentino (1965) by Lynn Russell, Direct Voice (disembodied) communications from an entity identifying himself as Hollywood actor Rudolph Valentino were contemplated by the author who mentioned that at times an "higher aspect" of Valentino could be distinguished.  Among the quoted communications presented by Lynn as manifesting the "higher aspect" were the following statements.
"We are one spirit although we are separate in ourselves, and because of that one spirit which flows through us all, we can forget ourselves; in humbleness only do we find our true selves, and in love our true service.  You are 'bodies' in a material world yet you are with me, One in Truth and Spirit.  WE ARE ALL OF THE SAME SOUL GROUP."

"We give you certain threads from This Side of life, certain facts connected with yourselves and your past existences, but you have to try to put them into pattern.  We help you, but it still depends on you yourselves, and by your own efforts, to make something of them."

After Rudy's discourse of December 16, 1958, the voice Lynn recognized as that of Dr. Charles Marshall was quoted: "You have received a talk . . . sermon . . . call it what you will, not from ONE, but from MANY, all flowing through the SAME CHANNEL OF SPIRIT.  All entwined one with the other into a COMPLETE WHOLE.  We work in harmony as one body of people.  That is why the work we hope to do through you can only be done when you yourselves are in harmony."

Personality variation is also noticeable upon listening to the different recordings of the Direct Voice medium's guide 'Mickey.'  The following excerpts are from "Mickey - 8402K - 44 minutes" / "Flint's guide Mickey on love and marriage," which is one of the audio recordings that may be heard at the website of The Leslie Flint Educational Trust (and at this site).  Mickey's discourse begins with his customary humorous banter with a noticeable Cockney accent yet his speech evolves into a dignified and purposeful meditation on the meaning of love.  Many familiar metaphors and terms found in diverse chronicles of transcendental communication are heard during this discourse, including words such as "unit," "brotherhood" and "peoples."

. . . [and if] people are mentally and spiritually as one, then obviously they'll be together but people don't see marriage as you do on this side.
. . . you're not exactly tied in any one direction or to any one person.  It's when you loosen the bonds and the shackles - I don't mean just marriage I'm talking about - you begin to open up and perceive that you're all part of the same Spirit.
. . . you're a mighty something in the great cosmos field . . . 
You've got to realize that you're part of a tremendous, well, something so enormous that your mind can't grasp it really but it's the same Spirit, the same Power, and everyone is part of it, a minute part, and yet can develop and become a huge part.  You must never sort of make yourself feel that you are restricted in a certain direction or with a certain one person.
All the time evolvement is taking place.  Change.  But it's so subtle.  All the time you're living in your world you're changing.  You're not now what you were yesterday completely and wholly so.
. . . the person you've known and loved is also comingling with enormous numbers of souls on this side.  They are all working together in a harmonious way not just for one person but for all humanity.
You see, over in your world it's as if you've got a facade.  And you to some extent can control that facade.  And sometimes you can say one thing and mean something else.  Sometimes you can be smiling at a person and yet deep down you're not feeling a bit like smiling.  And you're putting on a face.  People put on a face.  They have to learn how to put on a face in your world.  It's one of the tragedies of your world.  That you have to try to put on a face.  To hold yourself together.  To keep yourself whole.  ("TO")  To struggle against all sorts of things that happen that you don't even want other people to be conscious and aware of.  And then indeed I think it's true to say that to some extent everybody is living a lie.  Very few people are completely honest.  Even if they want to be they can’t be.   You see — if only you could see yourselves as we see you — and we love you for all your weaknesses.  And we love you for your strength.  And above all we love you because you're struggling.  And when a person's struggling, everyone who has a heart — and we all have that — want to help you.  We sometimes see humanity as if they're like drowning people who've been shipwrecked.  They thought they were going on a beautiful voyage and everything was going to be marvelous.  And suddenly something happens and the ship begins to go down.  And they're lost.  They can't swim.  They make the attempt and they're struggling in the water of life.  We look upon humanity as struggling to survive.  And what seemed when you started out to have been a wonderful voyage is full of disillusionments and disappointments.  Things don't turn out quite the way you think.  And it's a struggle and a fight to reach the shore.  And the shore is the realm of the spirit where you'll be welcomed with open arms.  But all the time you're struggling in the water we are there and we are trying to lift you out and to help you.  To keep your head above water.  Trying to teach you and make you realize ("THE") tremendous power of love that supports you and sustains you.  Don't get too depressed, don’t get so down. Try to realize that behind all the darkness there is the light.  Try to realize that the heat that is the sun that will come forth and illuminate the path.

A somewhat clearer recording of the tape of Mickey identified as having the topic of love and marriage is offered at
The 'Messages from Michael' case was profiled in a two-part article three years ago.  The book Messages from Michael (1979) recounts how a 32-year-old publicist became involved with Ouija board communication from a source quoted as having informed her group: "WE ARE AN ANCIENT ENTITY THAT COMES TO ALL WHO ASK.  OUR PURPOSE IS TO TEACH SOME UNDERSTANDING OF THE EVOLUTION ON THE PHYSICAL PLANE . . ."  After 'Michael' instructed that nurturing and food gathering are "INSTINCTIVE," the question was given: "But isn't instinct often really fear?"  This is the portion of the transcript that follows as presented in the book.


A discourse followed about human fear of loss of control and of the unknown.  One of the group investigating the Ouija Board communications was described as being "concerned about the religious implications of what Michael has been saying" and was quoted as having asked:

"The Bible says that perfect love casts out all fear.  Are you saying that it doesn't?"


Anabela Cardoso wrote about her research and experiences with Instrumental Transcommunication in Electronic Voices (2010). The career diplomat based in Spain recounted her experimentation and observations about the phenomena. 

I have tried, in this book, to convey to the reader without exaggeration the process of deep transformation and of consciousness expansion that this extraordinary life experience has brought about in me.

She recounted her great surprise upon hearing her first 'Direct Radio Voice' from the loudspeaker of an old valve radio in March 1998: "The speech was quite long and consisted of a number of sentences . . . but at the time, under the shock, I could only understand 'dificil' (difficult) and 'outro mundo' (another world).

Another DRV message in Portuguese was understood and translated to English as: "We speak from Rio do Tempo Station . . .," thus correlating with the contact source (Zeitstrom in German and Timestream in English) known to Anabela from what she had learned about the research of other investigators.  One incident described utilized "the transpicture of a mask."  Anabela wrote, ". . . the beautiful, elusive face of a woman half-covered by a sliding mask appeared recorded on the video tape."  A preceding ITC message had also included the expression "máscara de escultor" (sculptor's mask).  She "asked Rio do Tempo what the deep meaning of the mask was."  The English translation of the reply is "The mask is our way to tell you that our world unveils the truth."

Anabela commented about the Technician's voice that she had heard in some of the Harsch-Fischbacks' recordings, ". . . I suppose the high entity known as the Technician can produce many different voices. This would justify what Rio do Tempo once told me about communications with the high entity whom I longed to speak with — 'But you have spoken with him many times!'"

Considering ITC experimenters' impressions that the unseen communicators seem 'to know all their thoughts,' she concurred: "This certainly seems to be true . . ."

Anabela advised that one should avoid generalizations about ITC voices and research —

I often employ the word 'sometimes' when I speak of psychophonic events because, in my opinion, this is an important precaution.  To my knowledge, there have always been exceptions to any generalization about Instrumental Transcommunication research and its results.
As mentioned in the previous blog article "The Ectoplasmic Flying Saucer", there was an incident involving masked being at a seance of entranced physical (or materialization) medium Alec Harris in South Africa.

A tall Spirit materialised wearing a mask which covered his whole face leaving only his eyes visible.  This figure approached Hyman and taking him by the hand led him to the cabinet.  Then in a serious voice he said: "I want to tell you that flying saucers do exist, although your world is sceptical of any reports of such.  But I say to you that they will one day be an established fact, and will arrive on your planet before man destroys himself; but the time is not yet ripe."

With that he turned and disappeared into the darkness of the cabinet, only to return a few seconds later carrying a large model of a flying saucer . . .
Similarly, when Truman Bethurum (the topic of some previous blog articles) described his visits aboard a flying saucer he encountered a beautiful female captain just over four feet tall and men estimated as being between four feet eight inches to around five feet tall: "Their dark olive hued faces were bland and without lines or blemishes, like the skin was taut and hard over their bone structure."  He described the faces as "masklike" and being "without beard or mustache."

An incident involving a mask is chronicled in Testament (1997), the case study of my surprising spiritual awakening (Tape #5, Side #2B).  Prior to attending the funeral for Jearld Carlton Bell, I was interviewing the family and Twyla Eller described an odd incident that had occurred involving the audible voice phenomena that the family often heard. 

Once he told Mama he was going to show itself.  He said, "COME ROLL YOUR BLANKET BACK AND I'LL SHOW YOU MYSELF."  It looked like there was a body laying there and she pulled the blanket back.  There was a mask there.  Wasn't it a Halloween mask that you found after Michael told you to pull back the blanket to see what was there?  He said "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA."
In several of the Edgar Cayce channeled reading transcripts among the many that have been preserved, the mask and ship metaphors are topics for commentary by the transcendental communicator speaking through the body of the hypnotically entranced Edgar Cayce.  In 1223-4 of October 28, 1940, a housewife received instruction about "the sojourns in the earth and their expression, their influence in the present" prior to some observations about "the abilities of the entity then in the present" with the following being stated.

42. At once the entity may ask, - as so much gain was made, why the path so often seeming uneven; oh, so rocky?


44. Hence the meaning of the shield, the feathers, the mask; all that He has given to all.

45. Hold thou to the faith in Him.

46. As to the abilities, - the home, the young - THAT is the developing way.

47. As to the expression or outlet, - let it be in art, especially as in the decorating of china. And in the decorating, forget not the sea blues, the sea greens - as combined with nature.

48. What a beautiful pattern would be the seaweed and the greens of same!

When the housewife said: "Do I have any latent talent that should be developed?," the answer was given —

The abilities of influencing groups, as indicated.  Do not feel that self is causing a closing of possibilities; rather with the practical manner give expressions to those things that have a spiritual import; not as in a dictatorial manner - as the shield or the mask would indicate, but rather in that manner as will cause others to THINK.  For, the mind is the builder; and how oft in many is the thinking done by others!

In 900-102 of July 31, 1925, a stockbroker sought "interpretation and lessons" from two dreams he had experienced.  Here is the portion of the transcript relating to the second of these dreams.

4. (Q) Wednesday Morning, July 29, 1925, at home in Deal.  Was seated in a sort of grandstand seat on the beach and another man sat next to me.  We looked out to sea and there close to the beach was what seemed the hulk of a wrecked boat, rising and lowering in the sea.  "It is now coming mighty close to land and to us," I said to my companion.  "Yes," he nodded, "They can't pump the water out of that!"  Up and down, up and down, rising and lowering with the waves, rose and fell this monster and nearer and nearer it came to us, until it was almost on top of us and I could see the water filling up and rushing out of the holes in the side. Then the monster hulk, that appeared as a drifted wreck ship, seemed up on the beach, still rising and falling, the water filling it up and rushing out of it again.  I wondered why they didn't pump all the water out and again the other man said, "THEY CAN'T DO IT - THEY CAN'T PUMP THE WATER OUT OF THAT!"  Then I ran up this monster, still rising and falling, filling and emptying with water, and I noticed the old wooden step affair of the body and thought how the water would act to deteriorate and disintegrate those wooden steps and how they would return to another form of matter and then in last analysis were the atom, which is but the phenomenon of a spiritual force.  Then I entered the stage part of a theatre and looked back to find [137], [140] and my usual companions.  I looked at the audience.  I went back and joined my crowd.  "What will we do to-night?" they asked.  "Play 21 or gamble," they said.  I looked back at the theatre. Something felt wrong.

(A) In this representation of the action of subconscious force on mental proclivities of body-mind, with the spiritual elements and truths as are being studied by the individual, are brought through the vision, the lessons, as has been given, of the oneness of all force, and the recognition of same by the individual mind, yet the inability of some others, with whom the entity contacts, to at first gain such conception of truths as are presented from time to time.  In the boat, as a wreck, we find there presented the truth in religious thought as is adrift, and bearing down upon others in no uncertain manner, recognized by others as might be made whole by action from within, yet this seems inaccessible to many.  The resting on shore representing the position to which same has come.  The going on same, with the taking of cognizance of conditions as were apparent on same, the entity's entering into that ability to be of assistance and aid to such conditions at the present time, with the knowledge of the necessity of the stepping stones to the new thought must be made safe and secure for all.  The seeing in the theatre representing the manner in which some would view such conditions, by the action of the individual, yet the knowledge of each, or of some of group, that something must be attempted and done, the recognition of conditions unsettled in the minds of many, and the ability of the one to settle same.  More of these will be seen again.  Follow then in that channel and way in which has been shown that these are presentations of thought and lesson from which the body must gain that knowledge to which it will gradually build to that position in which he must present the lessons and the truths that are to be given to the peoples.

12/28/14 Update:  In 2014 nineteen articles were published at this blog that considered aspects of the JZ Knight/Ramtha case, including "Ramtha: An Introduction to Unlimitedness" and "Guidelines for Spiritual Healing".  During a 2014 interview, Ramtha mentioned soon after beginning the conversation with radio talk show host Rob Simone, ". . . we in the end have to live with our thoughts and our nightmares — and put on a mask the following day and be a jolly entity.  And no one would deeply suspect how deep the scars of insecurity truly lie."  Ramtha was discussing the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" and observed: " . . . its cult supremacy opened the door for so many documentaries to be made and telly shows to be made without the commentation of detractors . . . and that was a great breakthrough in mind control."  Ramtha also commented: "All of the scientists loved that woman who spoke in the beginning.  Until they were notified I was a channel to being and then they threw it away.  My my."  Ramtha laughed.


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