Ramtha: Voyage to the New World

Douglas James Mahr wrote in Voyage to the New World (1985) that the book "is the product of three entities . . . J. Z. Knight is a woman who channels a personality who calls himself Ramtha, The Enlightened One; Ramtha is a unique entity who exists in the unseen world while interacting with the seen world; and Douglas James Mahr is an author who has observed J.Z. Knight's and Ramtha's interaction with thousands of people since 1981."

Voyage to the New World is a compilation of passages from Ramtha's discourses supplemented with eyewitness interviews.  Mahr reported: "At the time of this publication, Ramtha has delivered approximately one hundred Dialogues.  These communications comprise a collection of approximately six hundred cassette tapes, about nine hundred hours . . ."
Presented as "An Adventure Into Unlimitedness," the book includes one of Ramtha's descriptions about himself.  A litany of phrases signifying God and Christ are offered as Ramtha termed himself 'servant unto God Almighty' and 'servant unto that which is termed the Christus.'  Ramtha's expressions for God include "The Principle Cause," "The Light Force" and "that which is termed The All in All."

Ramtha explained:
. . . unto that which is termed All That Is, there came an expansion of that which is called contemplative thought of His most superlative being.  In order to have expanded parts of His being, the Father contemplated and extended Himself into a uniqueness of form.  From The Source came the Perfect Expanded Part of The Father, The Source, The Element.  The understanding of the Singular Active Participant of the Source be called the Perfect Son, The Ideal, The Perfect Reflector, The Inherited Entity of All that the Father was.

Unto It, the expanded parts from the Father, came The Son blessed of all that be; Singularly Evolving Thought, Understanding confined to one movement. The Movement of the Father became the Son, and what the Son accomplishes the Father has accomplished. The Son became in his ideal form and in his creative cause that which is termed Man. The Son be called Christ.  Son/God; God/Man; Man/God. That which is termed The Beloved Father expressive unto The Christ Realized am I a servant unto this hour.
Ramtha stated further: "You be that which is termed Man, you be that which is termed Christus, you be that which is termed God."
Mahr cited preceding cases of channeling, including Jane Roberts/Seth, Edgar Cayce, Alice A. Bailey, and H. P. Blavatsky.  The cases of Roberts, Cayce and Blavatsky have been among the topics of previous blog articles, along with articles about trance channel mediums including Mark Probert, Gladys Osborne Leonard, D. D. Home, and Eileen Garrett.
The early Ramtha presentations were known as 'Dialogues' and 'Intensives.'  Reflection about love and self are encouraged —  
As long as you depend upon another to supply you with love and acceptance and keep you secure, you will have missed knowing what this life is all about, and you.  You will only know what they want you to be.

Becoming is unfolding in measure from limitation into unlimitedness.

Coming into unlimitedness is unraveling Self for that which is termed the Divine Preview of what you are in all understandings.

You are becoming in the moment by feeling.   Everything that all here have done, hath struggled for, of designed experience, has been for that which is termed the virtue called emotion, for feelings.  Your society has dictated what the ideals of feeling should be, and all strive to be it so that they are accepted.  In becoming there is no ideal except what is felt deep within the individualized Self.

When you perceive a life called Utopia, which is the promised land coming into full vista, coming into full view, all the mysteries they become resolved, all the superstitions are done away with, all of the dogmas of doom and destruction are no more.

Wisdom is the product of emotion.  Without emotion, one never procures the jewel called wisdom.  Wisdom is an unseen knowingness experience that lies forever within the Soul that allows life's journey to be easier for that which is making the sojourn into any plane of existence.

Feeling is the impulses from the Soul.
Ramtha is quoted as having told one 'master' (student): 

You have lived, Entity, 13,342 and one-half times.  You have been every race of peoples existing from this universe to the twenty-third to the seventeenth to the one hundredth universe.  You have brothers, Entity, in your Pleiades, a most divine constellation.  You are a divine creature.  Your knowingness was absolute when you were a babe.  It has been limited to the point of struggling to survive in this life without the virtue of knowingness.  And whenever you pass this place you will pass, Master, in the twinkling of an eye; you will be outside of your embodiment, into the pure knowingness principle of Light where you have come from and will continue to live on and on and on.  That is imminent.

Another master asked Ramtha, "What was I in my last lifetime, to help me more or less in this lifetime?"  Ramtha answered:
A sailor who sailed, as it were indeed, from that which is termed the port of Italy through that which is termed Crete, who had the greatest experience of its entire existences upon Crete.  The entity found that which is termed a fledgling and the child became, you call them warrant.  And the sailor took the child wherever he went and brought him to that which is termed a place called America and to a port that is to the far north.  The child became a wondrous entity in law, went to school through that which is termed the help of the old mariner and became a change, as it were indeed, in the government procedures within your country.  That was the only time you expressed as a man but still obtained a maternal instinct.

Your death, Entity—you died, as it were indeed, through that which is termed a fire, and the fire consumed that which is termed a holding house or a lodging house; [you were] put to the back quarters because it had a view of a particular oak tree and there the entity perished within that which is termed a fire.  Contemplate it.  You will find there is memory in it.
Here are some other quotations of Ramtha from Voyage to the New World.

. . . Fear—enslaves, encaptures and inhibits the creative mind.  It does not permit love to bloom in its wondrous fields; it does not permit life to be reveled upon; it stagnates the emotions and kills hope.  Fear is born out of not-knowingness; whatever you are in not-knowingness of you are enslaved to, you are in darkness about.

Wherever you want to be, want to be there.

Find yourself in everyone you see.

I will
send you some runners [messengers], Entity, and if you look into the sky, a wonderment or two to help you.

Here [Earth] you can demonstrate any ideal and any attitude and it will formulate itself into a reality.

Each religion's claims of, "Our path is the only path to Heaven," worked in the not-too-distant past for millions of believers.  For today's sophisticated batch of seekers, however, these claims of exclusivity on the pathway to Heaven simply do not compute.

If, in every thought, you found peace and beauty and love and could feel not wretched about any one thing, then you would know what the kingdom of the paradise within man is all about; not this wretched groveling for all the things that you grovel for, they are very disappointing I assure you

Creativity is lost when the value is seen first—that is the way it is.

tell you,
there is a great and wondrous intimidation that is in the processes of occurring here that has nothing to do with that which is termed any known power here on your plane.  It is a power that is coming from that which is termed beyond the North Star.  It is a power more awesome than anything that has thus been created by man and his intent to defend and to destroy.  The intimidation is, Master, that they will set aloft like eagles and be most visible for all of your world to see.  And they can sting like scorpions and part the sea and cleave a mountain in two without any effort.

 . . . only when mankind sees there is something more venomous, more powerful, more obvious than what they have, will he lay down his toys and join together to find a way to solve the mystery that has plagued and invaded his map of war.

squander away your moments from happiness and the goodness of your prosperous life to live in terror of something that is wholly conjecturous.

And a new wind will blow, and behold, all that man dreams in his Soul comes to pass.  And God, the Eternal Isness, can get on with His Supreme Design called Life in a coexistence that is within the right of divinity; and that will be Self sought in each of you.

While many of Ramtha's statements communicate a knowledge and introspection of metaphysical subjects surpassing the limits of the ancient Earth life that has been described, some of the quoted statements of Ramtha in this compilation book foreshadow moral dilemmas arising from his commentary published in later books:
. . . there is no such thing as karmic justice.

. . . the Source, the Divine Embodiment, God, if you will, has requested simply one thing from you and all others that are so gathered here, and that is to be happy.

Do not live by rules, live by feelings.

Don't worry about your fellow man.

There are many what is called a do-gooder.  A very wondrous term indeed.  But a do-gooder is an enslaver, for they think that they should go and save the world, or amend situations to which they have no business [amending] for the situations need to occur for a working or a desire to be fulfilled, and who are they to say what that is.
Ramtha's conceptualization of God and eternal life becomes comprehensible as a perspective based on Ramtha's awareness of having evolved from an Earth life of great violence without apparently ever having found himself needing to atone for wrongdoing; unless, perhaps, this is one aspect of what is being accomplished by his interims communicating with us through the body of JZ Knight.

In a 2010 article/news release, I wrote: "Concerning legitimate trance channelers, the perspective of entities speaking through a person should be understood as being 'more-knowing' rather than 'all-knowing.'  Each individual consciousness unit has a unique perspective based upon one's own life experiences." 


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