The 2013 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

This is a photo from the May 1 session of the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure.  (source:

Between April 29 and May 3, a "Citizen Hearing On Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race" was conducted at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.  The event organizer was "registered lobbyist" Stephen Bassett.  Participants included Grant Cameron, Richard Dolan, Stanton Friedman, Steven Greer, Linda Moulton Howe, Roger Leir and Nick Pope — all names familiar to listeners of the late night radio show "Coast to Coast AM."

At this hearing it is doubtful that there was any mention of the case study books written by the 'contactees,' including those of Arthur Shuttlewood, who has been the topic of a continuing series of articles at this blog.  There have also been previous articles about the 'flying saucer contactees' of the 1950s—Angelucci, Bethurum, Fry—who each extensively chronicled their experiences.

I noticed from the Testimony Schedule that UFOs involvement with nuclear missile sites is characterized as "Nuclear Tampering."  Speculative topics selected for inclusion in the hearing include what Huffington Post blogger Lee Speigel referred to as "implant surgery" upon "people who claimed to have experienced alien abduction"; and "strange animal mutilations that have been linked to UFO sightings."

Bassett was quoted as having said on the first day: "If some very tough reporters can get out there and ask the right questions, it’s going to get really interesting." 

One of Speigel's articles about the event was entitled  "Chinese Scientist Sun Shili Reveals Huge Numbers of UFO Enthusiasts in that Country."  Speigel reported:

Chinese scientist Sun Shili is a retired foreign ministry official and president of the World Chinese UFO Federation."Our federation serves as a communication platform for the global Chinese on all aspects of UFOs, including those in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and abroad.  Chinese people consider ourselves as the descendants of dragons, which are from outer space in the Chinese culture.

"We call our land as the land of deities or gods and we seek the harmony between people and heaven.  [All of these things] are very relevant with the hearing that is taking place today."

Shili told the CHD committee that he was a government diplomat and university professor, but since the 1970s, he started looking into UFOs and the mysteries of the universe.

"Everyone on this planet is looking for our roots in the universe.  We have the right to know and discover.  Any attempt to cover-up is unacceptable.  Also statistics of the China UFO groups [of which there are about 50,000 members] show that, out of 1.3 billion people, we have close to tens of millions of people who are UFO enthusiasts." 

Other articles by Speigel about the hearing include "Anonymous Witness Gives Electrifying Testimony About Area 51, Aliens and Eisenhower" and, concerning England's Rendlesham Forest multiple UFO witness encounter, "Testimony of James Penniston's Close Encounter with a UFO Taking Off."  The video of the Anonymous Witness may be viewed here.

In an article about media ridicule of the event, Speigel commented:

While these congressional-style hearings are going on in Washington, there's an ongoing influx of stories coming out in the media by writers who claim that this is just an exercise in futility among UFO buffs looking for instant publicity, and that the participants witness panels and the committee of former members of Congress — are involved in nothing but a farce and an easy payday.

In comparison, this blog offers in-depth reporting and analysis of cases involving so-called 'unexplained phenomena' without restrictions of time or length of articles.  Learning about the variety of these cases is illuminating about the spiritual lessons being presented.  Some of the parallels have been shown in such articles as "Visitors from the Ascended Realm in Comparison", "In Comparison: Pearl Curran, 'Miss Beauchamp,' John Dee and Edward Kelly" and "Some Observations Concerning My Spiritualism Series of Articles".


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