Five Centrahoma Photographs

In 1995 during my interviews with the Oklahoma family experiencing 'talking poltergeist' phenomena, several photographs with apparent 'paranormal' aspects were shown to me.  A portion of one photo that we discussed (the entire photo is presented above) would be seen several months later during the telecast of a segment of the ABC Television special "Ghosts, Mediums, Psychics: Put To The Test" (similar to this enlarged detail presented below).
photo detail

Family members also described to me some strange aspects of the undated photograph below.
In the back at left of the photo, the family noticed what seemed like a little girl with braids and old-fashioned clothes, while inside the van there was what looked like "an apparition of a black guy" or "dark person" wearing a headband.  When I studied the photo, a more obvious apparent anomaly was noticeable — behind the open door of the vehicle can be seen an image of black objects resembling two legs of a tripod with camera at the top and on the ground a circular shape next to one of the tripod legs.
photo detail

Another photo was mentioned as showing a pair of eyes or 'red eyes' in the dark background of a room.  The image was faint and did, in fact, look like the eyes of a mysterious visitor with other vestiges but there was no noticeable red coloration of the eyes.  Because of the faintness, the photo wasn't included in the case study Testament (1997) but is presented below with an enlargement of the 'eyes' at the center of the 'photo detail' with an amplification in brightness.
Click on photo above for a magnified view.
photo detail

When I received some photos from the family for publication in Testament, Maxine had written about the below photo: "The little boy in this picture is at the left."  The children photographed are Heather Bell, Kim's daughter (back) and Desireé Bell, Twyla's daughter.
photo detail

The caption from Testament (1997) for the photo below is "June Ellis and a spirit at Grocery Store in Wapanucka, Oklahoma on Highway 7."  The photo was taken by A. W. Ellis.


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