The Ray Brown/'Paul' Trance Healer Case

Ray Brown in a Daily Mail article photo
The case of UK trance healer Ray Brown and 'Paul'—who regularly uses Ray's body to work as a spiritual healer—is documented in an autobiography and video interviews.  A Mere Grain of Sand (2004) was written by Ray and Gillian Brown with Paul Dickson.  The Browns' website is
Background information about "Ray Brown, The Medium" and "Paul of Tarsus, The Spirit" is presented at the website.
Ray was born in 1946 and lived for most of his early life in Portsmouth.  Ray trained to become a healing medium following out-of-body experiences when he was only five years old.  He went into the building trade and became site manager for a construction company.
During a demonstration by the renowned Harry Edwards, Ray at 17 was called from the audience to go on stage and assist the renowned spiritual healer.
Healing soon became a way of life for Ray, who continued to work hard on developing his mediumship.  When he was 21, Paul came through and they have been working together ever since.
When working with Paul, Ray is completely taken over and is not aware of anything that is done while Paul is in control.  It is a partnership of complete trust which has developed over the many years they have worked together.
Paul is Ray’s spirit guide.  Paul lived 2000 years ago in Tarsus which was then under Roman rule.  After his blinding on the road to Damascus, he came to believe in the teachings of Jesus although he did not actually meet him.  Paul was eventually beheaded by the Romans for preaching the words of Jesus the Christ.
After preparations in the spirit world, Paul chose Ray as his medium for spiritual healing.
Other raybrownhealing pages present information about the healing organization, the International Church and Healing Fellowship, and the integrated ministry of the ICHF called The International Church of St. Paul.  There are eight council members of the ICHF with Ray as president/trustee.  Also at the website are "Testimonials," a "Gallery" page, information about clinics, and a page where information resources may be purchased (as I did myself).  There are also links to three video documentaries.
As I mentioned in a previous article, the "Ray, Gillian & Paul" episode of the UK series "Trust Me, I'm a Healer" was broadcast in 2007.  The documentary offers candid glimpses from the Browns' daily life, which is centered on intervals when Ray goes into trance to undergo an unusual conversion — allowing 'Paul' to provide healing and talk about life in the ascended state of existence.  The BBC interviewer, Steve Poole, is heard commenting: "When Paul takes over his body, Ray's personality seems to disappear completely.  I'm slowly getting used to the process but it's still a bit spooky.  Blink and you'll miss it."
In the documentary, Ray explains the evolution of his channeling.

And it was like being hit with a sledge hammer.  And knowing your mouth was moving and you could hear words coming out of it but you couldn't stop it.  And that went on really every time he came then for about six, seven months, I suppose.  And then gradually I was being distanced although I could still see my body.  I could still hear myself talking but it wasn't me.  Obviously when Paul was operating on someone's, say, shoulder, it was almost if although I was outside my body I could see the person — inside the person's shoulder and all the arteries and bits and pieces.  And I couldn't handle that at all.  So I just said to him, "If you're going to carry on like this you're going to have to get a bucket because I'm going to be sick every time you do it."  So that made their mind up really to take me further away.
Ray commented that without Paul he could give 'hands on healing' like everybody else: ". . . but I couldn't do what Paul does."
Paul often expresses himself in a manner that affirms that people keep their sense of humor after making the transition to another dimension.  At one point Paul is seen commenting about his patients: "They've come along and they say, 'We're going to see this dead man who's going to work on my body.'  And they don't really go a hundred percent along with it.  They're there because they're in pain and they don't care what — who they're seeing as long as they get out of this pain.  To me — it doesn't matter to me either as long as, you know, I get them out of the pain so that's the most important thing."  This is an example of the phenomenon when a person—even one from the ascended state—says "you know" spontaneously.  Sometimes people may also unconsciously negate what they are saying by uttering the word "no" within a sentence or between sentences without being aware of doing so.  In audio and video recordings of conversation, there can also be found instances of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) with "no" often being especially noticeable.

When the skeptical interviewer confronted Paul while "working out if Paul really is who he says he is," Paul is seen saying: "I am who I am.  I am Paul — Paul who had the conversion on the road to Damascus.  Saul was my Jewish name.  Paul is my Roman name.  Whether you believe it or not, or anyone else believes it or not it's not my problem.  I can only be who I am.  I am Paul."

Ray's daughter Sophie from a previous marriage—a lawyer who was 26 years old at the time the video scenes were filmed—is seen meeting 'Paul' for the first time.  As in other channeling cases of visitors from the ascended realm, 'Paul' occasionally comments using the pronoun 'we' instead of the first person singular 'I.'
The second video at the website is entitled "Secrets of the Paranormal BBC Television 1996".

The following statements are made by Paul as seen in the video.

The first thing I do is to look into their body and to focus on the problem area.  I am not on my own.  There is a whole team of spirit doctors standing by to advise me.

When I operate I use instruments which are very similar to those in the physical world.  The difference is that you cannot see them.  They are spiritual instruments.  My hands work through Raymond's and my instruments are inside the patient's body.  Patients often tell me they can feel the work going on inside them.

There are many spiritual doctors willing to come down to work.  They've trained for it.  But how many mediums are there like Raymond?  How many people would give up nine hours of their day?

The third video (available on YouTube) is a 2012 interview segment of "The Lightworkers Guide to the Galaxy" with instances of EVP.

In the third of the five YouTube videos presenting the video, when there is seen the process of Ray going into a trance and Paul taking control of Ray's body, Paul's initial comment is another example of his humor: "Am I supposed to say 'Boo'?"

Paul commented about spiritual teachers: "Most of the teachers that you find in the world are simple people.  They are people who come from simple backgrounds and God has chosen those people.  And that is the way it is."

Other YouTube videos I found about this case are "Spirit Surgeon - Ray Brown" (6:17) and "Life After Death - Your Spiritual Journey - Ray Brown" (8:55).  Both are compilation videos presenting clips from DVD documentaries produced in 2003 and 2011 by Michael Courtney-Hunt, whose website is
Another video available on YouTube is "Dead and Alive" (2010), a short film by Adrienne Grierson.

Other trance channeling/spiritual healing cases have been profiled in previous blog articles about Brazilians John of God (1, 2, 3); Rubens de Faria, Jr. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); and Arigo (1).


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