Significance of 'Unexplained Phenomena'

This photo shows an Arabic message copied onto notebook paper by a family member during a series of unexplained events described as "America’s Talking Poltergeist" in the February-March 1995 Fortean Times magazine issue 79.  The Arabic message had been left in lipstick on a mirror in a house in rural Oklahoma. 

The case of Matthew Manning's experiences of 'poltergeist' and 'psychic phenomena' is a topic of the preceding blog article providing commentary about the recent British GQ Matthew Manning Article.  A variety of unexplained phenomena manifested in proximity to him, including his automatic writing in Chinese and Arabic — he commented that he had not been aware of those languages being present in his subconscious. 

The Arabic scripts among other automatic messages and artwork were displayed in The Link, Matthew's 1974 book chronicling his extraordinary experiences.
The caption in The Link explained: "This script, which Professor Bushrui classified as belonging to a very literate person, probably an academic, reads: 'Life consists of many [various] forces [powers] that live within us to the end of time . . . of the body does not frighten us because we shall all come together in the end.  And death shall destroy all differences.'"

Upon drawing a morbid sketch in the style of Goya, Matthew's automatic writing brought a message in French translated as "One cannot have roses without Thorns.  Goya."

Proverbs are often found in cases of transcendental communication, as I have mentioned in previous blog articles including "The Letters from Aboard a Flying Saucer".

The life experiences described in Matthew's autobiographical books include acknowledging in One Foot in the Stars (1999) "brief flashes of recognition" concerning previous Earth lives.  Some blog readers will be aware that poltergeist-type phenomena and becoming aware of an apparent previous physical incarnation are facets of my own case.  Two blog articles have profiled nonfiction reincarnation case study books where hypnotic regression is not an essential factor for a person becoming aware of an apparent previous life: Someone Else's Yesterday: The Confederate General & Connecticut Yankee, A Past Life Revealed by Jeffrey J. Keene and Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot by Bruce and Andrea Leininger with Ken Gross.

Numerologists may find interesting the birthdates of Matthew Manning and myself.  Matthew was born on August 17, 1955 and I was born on August 8, 1956.  In Oklahoma in the summer of 1995 a few days after my 39th birthday, I witnessed the materialization of small objects, including coins, pebbles and a nail.  I noticed that one of the objects upon falling was warm to the touch upon holding it.

Matthew recalled that the poltergeist-type phenomena included his bed vibrating.  Similarly during my Oklahoma visit, when I telephoned my twin brother in Los Angeles he suddenly commented that his bed was shaking.  As the phenomena manifesting in proximity to Matthew evolved, he participated in laboratory experiments and commented, ". . . that laboratory work was useful to me, because without it I don't think that I would have believed that I was capable of healing."  Contemplating my experiences, I realized that a spiritual Force had made possible opportunities that consisted of a step-by-step education in metaphysical understanding.  I gradually was able to discern and articulate noticeable parallels through case studies of unexplained phenomena such as 'The Michael Pattern' and 'The Nine Pattern.'  These patterns have also been the topics of blog articles.  The Michael Pattern revealed the Angelic context of this Force through parallels found in esoteric texts and in many of the scriptures revered among people identifying with a particular religion or wisdom tradition.

As one develops a perspective concerning what has come to be known as 'paranormal' or 'unexplained phenomena,' a metaphysical orientation to life becomes comprehensible encompassing the relationship of an individual personality or 'consciousness unit' with the 'Oneness' of a shared subconscious and Superconscious Mind among all living creatures.  So-called 'poltergeist' cases when considered case by case are exhibitions or lessons about this spiritual Force that make possible individual experiences of coincidences and synchronicity, intuition and telepathy, prophetic dreams and visions, mediumship and channeling, healing, as well as events associated with such expressions as 'hauntings,' 'telekinesis' and 'electronic voice phenomena.'

A simple truth is that every human being develops talents and abilities as opportunities occur.  Psychics and mediums have a gift, as do artists, engineers and scientists in diverse fields of study and expression.  Inventors such as Nikola Tesla have written about having what is sometimes called a 'photographic memory,' which, after all, is a variant of the human mentality.  Blog articles reporting about unusual mentalities include "Clive Wearing's Predicament of Having an Extremely Limited Memory", "The Unusual Mentality of Jill Price" and "The Brain and Psychic Phenomena".

Upon researching some documented 'talking poltergeist' cases from previous epochs and then witnessing firsthand the contemporary case in Oklahoma, my perspective and conclusions resulted from the patterns and metaphors revealed.  My previous articles relating to the categorically so-called 'poltergeist' phenomena include —
Another article considers Direct Voice seance phenomena as a variant of the phenomena associated with the word 'poltergeist.'  Consistent readers of this blog will understand how this phenomena is comprehensible as being equated with such expressions as 'The Holy Ghost,' 'Christ Consciousness,' 'Oneness,' and 'Superconsciousness.'

Among other previous articles, parallels between seance room photography are noticeable.  In photos of materialized people, an ectoplasmic veil is noticeable, as shown in "Some Noteworthy Instances of Seance Room Photography".  The veils are also found in photos showing examples of 'simulacrum' as mentioned in "Spiritualism, Maurice Barbanell, Spirit Voices and Materialization Mediumship" and "Essential Perspectives on Mediums and Materialization".  One author who wrote about the significance of psychic phenomena is psychic journals editor Maurice Barbanell (1902-1981).  Barbanell witnessed a gamut of psychic phenomena over the course of many decades and was a trance medium himself for the entity known as Silver Birch.  The following is a passage from his book This Is Spiritualism (1959, revised edition 1967).

Psychic evidence reveals that man survives the grave as an individuated spirit.  It is not death which confers a spiritual nature upon him.  The body crumbles into dust, or is resolved into elements which no longer maintain a recognisable form, because the animating spirit has withdrawn to continue its purpose elsewhere.  The body is the lesser; the spirit is the greater.  The body is the servant; the spirit is the greater.  The body is the servant; the spirit is the master.  The body is the machine; the spirit is the individual.  Obviously that which has a limited existence of seventy, eighty or ninety years cannot be superior to the power which gave it life and survives its dissolution.

We are familiar with many of the physical laws which control earthly happenings.  The séance room introduces us to a range of psychic laws which regulate the phenomena produced through mediumship.  It is reasonable, therefore, to assume that there is also a realm of spiritual law to control the spiritual aspects of being.  All this indicates an infinite intelligence which is responsible for a law-governed universe in all its ramifications.  Finite minds cannot comprehend infinity, but there emerges a conception of an infinite spirit as the divine architect of the cosmic scheme.

This is the God of the Spiritualist, not a deified man or a tribal deity, or, indeed, any anthropomorphic being.  This is the God of all peoples, of all creatures, of the boundless universe, not the exclusive property of any religion or nation.  This is the God incapable of favouritism, wrath, jealousy, vindictiveness, or any human weakness.  "God made man in is own image," and man has been returning the compliment ever since.  Man is not in the physical, but in the spiritual, image of God.  The relationship is a spiritual one.  Man here, and hereafter, is an integral part of this infinite spirit.  He is born because a particle of it incarnates into matter and endows the body with life.  He undergoes a variety of experiences designed to train and equip his spirit for the next stage of his existence.

At all times, every human being is united with God.  This spiritual relationship is a fact in birth, life, death and beyond.  It is an eternal union which cannot be severed.  Because of this relationship, man is God in miniature.  It is free will which decides, if he is normal, the extent to which he will allow the seed of latent divinity to flower.
This article offers some suggestions about the context necessary to consider one of the statements quoted in my recent series of articles centering on the case of JZ Knight channeling Ramtha.  In 2006 I attended a lecture in Hollywood and heard the visitor from the ascended realm known as Ramtha say:

There's nothing I ever said was the truth.  It only becomes the truth when we initiate you into what I said, into what you said.  And that the experience of that philosophy manifested in your life — that you experience in your importance, then it is a truth.  So the great work is taking this knowledge into a practicality of life because life is a gift and learning to live it at higher tempos of frequency, higher visions and concepts of thought, and to manifest it in the world to the startling reality of the unawakened around you who begin to wake up.
The Arabic message shown at the beginning of this article—upon being held in front of a mirror—has been interpreted as the word 'zeaama' meaning 'leadership.’


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