Ramtha In Perspective

In a 2014 radio interview, Ramtha commented about his philosophy: "There is an exquisite art of delivery . . . I have been most artful in my delivery."  Ramtha's complex lectures have been the topic of previous articles in this series focusing upon the extensively documented case of JZ Knight, channeler of Ramtha.

In "Ramtha's Autobiography" from A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality (Third Edition 2004), a passage reminds readers about the esoteric aspects of the ascended masters' instruction.

I am an enigma, even this embodiment, but I exist, and my wonderment is felt by all who come into my audience.  Yet who is to say I am real, for what know they of reality, entity, on this plane?  Contemplating you beyond the body into the unseen, is an adventure.  That is where you will find yourself, not in the eyes of anyone else but in your own understanding.

Ramtha has talked about antiquated religious dogma, motivating listeners and readers to reflect about their own perspectives and beliefs.  Ramtha's philosophizing at times encompasses our human fears as well as reminding us about hopes and possibilities for the future.  Ramtha was quoted in Voyage to the New World (1985):

I will manifest all your fears, all of your unworthiness, all of your lackings, all of your insecurities about you in this your year to come—everything.  Now, my master, you will think it's funny when we have gotten through all of them for then you will have seen how unmeaningful they have been in your life.  We shall do it straightaway.

Ramtha's description of his Earth life as a conqueror and psychotic battlefield killer who became a contemplative cripple makes him a reformist figure in relation to expectations of what an 'ascended master' or 'avatar' should or would be like; however, this predicament reminds us of the tragic misfortunes of Earth life and that the Christed ones of the past have often been glorified and their life stories handed down by historians eager to exalt their subject with ethnocentric satisfaction.

As a guest on "The Merv Griffin Show" in 1985, Ramtha was asked about what is his most important message and responded:

"That which is termed as it were indeed God, which hath been misunderstood, which have been taught to live outside of your being, is within your being and that that which is called Christ is within your being.  And that which is called life is the grand experience, that it is where the kingdom of heaven is located, entity.  When know you that that which is termed you are God, that that which emanates within you is divine, you will find joy."

Ramtha went on to say: "To that which is termed a new consciousness — it is coming forward" and commented on 'The Second Coming' in a similar manner to what is recorded in the Edgar Cayce channeled reading transcripts.

Ramtha: To that which is called the coming of Christ, that will come before the end of this your time flow, your next decade and it is —

Merv: The second coming of Christ?

Ramtha: But know you what that is?  What think you it is?

Merv: The coming of Christ?

Ramtha: Indeed.

Merv: Coming of Christ is the — the Son of God will come once again as He did the first time.

Ramtha: But know you who the son of God is?

Merv: Do I know who He is?

Ramtha: Indeed.

Merv: You mean He has another image other than what we know?

Ramtha: The Coming of Christ is the awakening of that principle of that divinity in all people.  Tis not one Entity but the whole of the world, master, comes into their Christness, into that understanding.  That is what is meant by the prophecy.

A noticeable instance of unattributed speech (or Electronic Voice Phenomena) is heard on the video recording at 6:37 when Merv asked: "Are we in danger on this planet — ("OF") any major catastrophe?"  Ramtha also mentioned, "Once Superconsciousness has been acclaimed here, it shan't end with 2,000 years because that which is called your scientists will have conquered time and space."

While reading the 2001 edition of Ramtha, The White Book (1999) I noticed that some of the statements about God contrasted with my own experiences in life.  This might be due to Ramtha's use of 'verbiage contradictions' as the book is a compendium of portions of lecture transcripts dating from 1979 to 1985.  In A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality, Ramtha discussed "verbiage contradiction" as there can be different 'levels of understanding' in relation to articulating something.  For example: when the statement is presented in The White Book "In the cosmic makeup of all that is, there is no such thing as evil," Ramtha's other statements explain that what is meant is that a human being cannot be innately or intrinsically evil. 

Some of the statements made by the outrageous Ramtha are travesties in relation to common spiritual orientations.  At times he seems to be expressing a philosophy derived from his contemplation of his grim Earth life with new experiences gained while sojourning here for intervals in the body of his channel JZ Knight.  Ramtha commented about differences in perspective: ". . . each has formulated his opinion based on his unique experiences and the understanding or misunderstanding that he has gained in his soul, not only from this life but from all lives lived before this one."

Ascension therefore is no indication of perfect and complete knowledge and undoubtedly Ramtha is evolving himself.  All bona fide cases involving 'unexplained phenomena' offer metaphysical insights as experiencers are compelled to expand the consciousness of others and, as Ramtha has expressed many times, "make known the unknown."  An open-minded and analytical person will eternally be learning about what Ramtha refers to as "your beloved Father [that] exists in all forms of its manifestation: from light all the way to the density of matter." (The White Book)

As I mentioned in a previous article, when I attended a lecture by Ramtha in 2006, he said:

"There's nothing I ever said was the truth.  It only becomes the truth when we initiate you into what I said, into what you said.  And that the experience of that philosophy manifested in your life — that you experience in your importance, then it is a truth.  So the great work is taking this knowledge into a practicality of life because life is a gift and learning to live it at higher tempos of frequency, higher visions and concepts of thought, and to manifest it in the world to the startling reality of the unawakened around you who begin to wake up."
As one understands there is salvation in identifying oneself with all people and not with paperwork principalities of corporations, nations and programmed social consciousness, one begins the transition to a new age and a new consciousness.  Individual morality is dependent upon one's ability to reflect about and rationalize the purposes of life.  Ramtha is quoted in Parallel Lifetimes: Fluctuations in the Quantum Field (revised edition 2007 Fireside Series Vol. 3, No. 3) —
What is a graviton, Newton's gravity?  A graviton is a multiplane particle because the nature of a graviton is an energy that has been collapsed from the intent and the alalogical experience of the God who gave it life.  That intent in the mind of God is reflected in a particle that is wild and difficult to ascertain with any other particles.  They are called gravitons, and they are dimensionalized and energized so that what is apparent in the quantum field is that the graviton can exist in all of these fields and at the exact nature in consciousness of seven planes.  In other words, a graviton is the glue that keeps the intent of God and God's life in it together.

If we are talking about parallel states, parallel lifetimes, we would be talking about parallel experience possibilities.  We have learned that a constant quantum field state is a state and it does not present the past, present, or the future as anything but what the state is, so there is no time.

The nature of a parallel or shadow state of the quantum field would be that by altering or changing any of the landscape of this present state, according to its quantum arrangement, we have changed or repositioned the arrangement of experiential particles.  If we alter anything in this state, we have created a parallel state.

Cases of transcendental communication may be understood by theoretical physicists as confirming some of the things noticed in the laboratory such as the observer effect in quantum mechanics.  Yet a world with greater justice and harmony is only possible to the extent that each person accepts responsibility for their own decisions, choices and actions in our earthly sphere of existence.  While my Earth life experience has been very different from Ramtha's 35,000 years ago, I understand that every individual personality—on Earth or in the ascended realm—is a unique aspect of this Collective Consciousness and influences our shared quantum field.

Understanding the fallacy of assumed imperative in relation to corporate or patriotic obeisance requires one to make each decision with the realization that the more important relationship is the one with God, with Superconsciousness.

Articles of this blog report about many extensively documented cases of 'channeling' and 'paranormal' phenomena that have been overlooked or misunderstood by people.  The ascended masters and other channeling cases when considered altogether ultimately can be understood to provide evidence of the omnipresent 'universal Christ Spirit'/spiritual 'Oneness'/Superconsciousness.  Ramtha is quoted in The White Book:
"The greater the heaven you create here within your own kingdom of thought and emotion, the greater the heaven you will experience when you leave this plane or, if you choose, when you return here."

"This plane that you are upon is the first plane, the plane of three dimensional perception."

"Upon this plane, all levels of consciousness understanding exist, for this is the plane of what is termed expressive God or the plane of demonstration.  It is the plane where you can demonstrate and witness consciousness in the material form in order to expand your emotional understanding.  And I wish you to know that this place of yours called Earth is only one of innumerable places where an entity can experience and express through an embodiment upon the plane of demonstration."
Also in The White Book, Ramtha answered a student's request to "tell us something about what you do when you're not squeezed into this plane."

"I am doing the same thing that you are doing: expressing.  The only difference is yours is a limitation of expression and mine is not.  I have a reach that goes into forever, for I never contemplate the ending of myself, for there is no such thing.  And I indeed go with the wind, for that was my ultimate desire."

". . . and I am being happy with what I am.  And when I am not the identity you see of me here, I am that which is: the platform from which all things come forth, for the seventh level is the totality of thought, which is the great Void that holds your planets in orbit, your cells together, and encompasses all things to the perimeters of forever.  And when you are a seventh-level entity, there is no such thing as levels.  There only is.  In that, you become all feeling of all things, of all knowingness, of all thought."

Listening to Rob Simone's 2014 interview with Ramtha, I was reminded how consistent the personality of Ramtha has been in the various recordings.  The use of a random word generator computer program during the interview was an unusual aspect of the interview.  Ramtha at one point commented: "There are voices that need to be heard."

During the lecture published in Ramtha Intensive: Soulmates (1987), Ramtha said during the first morning session of his six-part presentation: "The knowledge that I will teach you these days and the runners that will come will give you the understanding of why I answer this way."

How Ramtha has often articulated 'God' places an emphasis on us — that God is manifesting through each of us; however, the very nature of Ramtha's manifestation leads us to reflect further about God.  An aspect of God being a Consciousness greater than the expression of the totality of individual units or personalities is understood through the selectivity involved with, when and where manifests an individual personality — this encompasses each occasion of so-called 'channeling' among other aspects of 'paranormal phenomena.'

Concerning the many parallels noticeable between the Edgar Cayce channeled reading transcripts and Ramtha's discourses, it is easy to conclude that Ramtha's information about Atlantis and Lemuria/Mu correlates with statements in the Cayce readings about the 'Hall of Records.'   Channeled reading 5750-1 of November 12, 1933 presented a response to question 23 "in which pyramid or temple are the records mentioned in the readings given through this channel on Atlantis, in April, 1932?"

(A) As given, that temple was destroyed at the time there was the last destruction in Atlantis.

Yet, as time draws nigh when changes are to come about, there may be the opening of those three places where the records are one, to those that are the initiates in the knowledge of the One God:

The temple by Iltar will then rise again.  Also there will be the opening of the temple or hall of records in Egypt, and those records that were put into the heart of the Atlantean land may also be found there - that have been kept, for those that are of that group.

Something that startled me upon listening to Ramtha during his recent interview is that he can be heard drinking wine and smoking tobacco at intervals.  This is especially curious because some of his commentary was intended to help people overcome addictions so he apparently wasn't being a very good role model.  Personally, I'm sexually celibate and don't drink alcoholic beverages or coffee, nor smoke and am a vegan.  An Internet search that I conducted to explore this curious aspect of the case provided me with the information that Ramtha has "a new favorite wine" that he says is "the best wine ever."  The wine is called 'Rarus.'

The articles at this blog are intended to help readers find beneficial nonfiction sources of information relating to metaphysical and spiritual subjects.  While fictional works are not suitable to provide an introduction to these subjects, it is interesting to note that occasionally Hollywood movies have offered some semblance of ascended masters — perhaps most obviously with the ascended Jedi in the original "Star Wars" trilogy.  While I stopped allocating time to entertainment nearly 20 years ago, I noticed an article concerning the movie "Avatar" (2009) in the January 2010 Ramtha's School of Enlightenment Newsletter with the comment "There is so much in the recent movie AVATAR that Ramtha has been teaching about for so long . . ."  While everyone's creativity is subconsciously connected to the Source of all knowledge, Ramtha has had much to say to prepare people for truth's awakening through expanding their spiritual consciousness.   
Ramtha.com 2006 world tour image


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