A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality

First Edition Cover (1997)

The Ramtha book A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality (Third Edition 2004) is presented as "An Introduction to Ramtha and His Teachings."  The phenomenon known as channeling is how Ramtha communicates his teachings through JZ Knight and the case may be categorized among the annals of unexplained phenomena as an example of an 'ascended master.'  JZ explained:

The following book is based on the concept of an ancient mystery school brought into the close of the twentieth century, an age which wallows in alarming materialism where neither the church, imprisoned by its own dogma and political intrigues, nor science, locked within the confines of matter, knows how to make individuals whole.  Science need not change its methods, only broaden its scope; and religion need not change its traditions but rather remember its origins: the Spirit and its primal significance.  The restoration of the link between the visible and the invisible for the useful application of the omnipotent in our everyday lives becomes the new conscious bridge to traverse the abyss that separates heaven from earth.
Jaime F. Leal Anaya commented in an Introductory Essay:
The uncommon form is which Ramtha delivers his teachings is by no means arbitrary and superficial.  He has pointed out explicitly the reasons behind such a format and explained that in order to grasp his message, it is important to become aware of the paradigms of thought, the roots of preconceived ideas, unconscious prejudices, and molds in which we normally perceive and evaluate reality.
 Jaime observed:
Ramtha in presenting his philosophy as the fruit of his own truth and personal experience makes the point that he himself is the embodiment of the philosophy, the living representation and manifestation of his thought.

The teachings of Ramtha have an explicit and an implicit aspect.  His teachings are like the creation of an artist that contains both a specific message from the artist and a more general message that speaks about the artist. Since Ramtha teaches from personal experience and not from intellectual speculation, as we explained earlier, Ramtha is his teachings.  To have an insight into the person of Ramtha is to have an insight into his teachings.
Chapter One presents "Ramtha's Autobiography," a compilation of statements from Ramtha dialogues of 1984.  Ramtha told about growing up in absolute poverty as a brown skinned Lemurian under the domination of red skinned Atlatian tyrants 35,000 years ago.  He witnessed the death of his mother soon after she gave birth to a daughter, who also perished from malnutrition. 

A variety of spiritual metaphors, symbols and allusions are noticeable in the following excerpt.  The passage is preceded by Ramtha remembering his hatred for the Atlatians and confessing his spiritual confusion about his circumstances in life.  The passage culminates with the beginning of that which Ramtha termed his 'great march' that lasted for sixty-three years as he became "the first conqueror this plane ever knew."

So I found a great mountain that loomed in the distance, a very mysterious place, for if I could climb there I would get in touch with the Unknown God out here and proclaim my hatred for him at his unfairness.  So I began my journey.

I run from that of my hovel and there be a great mountain in a distance I barely see.  And my journey, as it were indeed, hath been of ninety days — of ninety days, as it were indeed, of devouring locusts and roots and urnments of ants — did I find this mountain, for if there be a God, he would live there above all of us, as those who governed our land lived above us.  And, lo, I sought him out, yet he was not there, except for the great cold.  And I wept heartily until the whiteness, as it were indeed, iced itself from my tears.  "I am a man. Why hath I not the dignity of one?"

And, behold, there came unto me a sweet maiden as you have not seen, whose gilded hairs, as it were indeed, danced about her.  And the crown that be upon her hair was not of lilies or of rosebuds or of irises but an unknown flower.  And of her drapery, indeed her gowns were translucent and mellow and free.  Behold, she came unto me and, behold, she gave unto me a great sword.  It sang.  It sang.  Yet it took nigh, as it were indeed, nine hands to hold its handle it was so great.  And she gave it unto me.

This is what she said.  "O Ram, O Ram, I beseech you who have learned — and woken of Spirit of the pity of our beings — the truth.  There must be a truth that lingers in the land.  Thus your prayers have been heard.  And you are a man of means and conviction.  Take you this sword and wear it well."  And she was gone with herself.  And I was blinded in my madness and my illusions in what I had seen.  And no longer have I shivered against the great cold, but I found warmth there.  And thus when I looked again where my tears had iced themselves, there grew a flower of such sweet refrain and color that I knew the flower, as it were indeed, would be that of what is termed hope.

The sword Crosham, the Winged Carrier, it was the Isness formulated itself into an apparition of the most beautiful sort, that gave me a sword and told me, "Go and conquer yourself."  And the rest is history, so to speak.  There is no entity that is in that which is termed a singular form that exists that gave me that sword.  It is the harmony of the Isness that produced the Winged Carrier.

I came down from the mount with my great sword to the hovel of my mother, who had perished.  Who was the suckling upon my mother's breast?  It was you, for you are of my kingdom and my house and my dream.  And you, as it were indeed, were saved, as it were, by the famine, for they opened their doors when I entered therein, and no longer weak of bodily movement or frail, that I was a Ram in all the sense of the word.

For that which is termed the rest of the story, there are a lot of you that know it well.  But what drove me to conquer and to master, which was a part of my soul emotion, was the desire to make it even.  I created war, indeed, for there were no warring factions against the arrogance of the Atlatians, none.  I created it.  I came from the great mountain, intimidated by the Unknown God, given a sword, and told then to conquer myself.  I could not turn the blade around and hack my head off; it was too long.  My arms would not reach, as it were indeed, to that which is called the stifle [hilt] of the sword.  But I wept a great deal.  But I got honor in my sword, and when I returned I laid siege to Onai.
Part  II of the book presents "Fundamental Concepts of Ramtha's Teachings."  The source of these seven chapters is Ramtha Dialogues of 1996.  Chapter Two "Consciousness and Energy Create the Nature of Reality" includes commentary by Ramtha about his life that has relevance to social conditions throughout the ages.
. . . my most ignorant point was that I hated the Unknown God of my people.  You see, my people didn't worship Gods.  They knew there was but one God and it was nameless and it was faceless, save that it could be seen in everything that existed and everything that it thought exists.  I felt that this God had failed my people miserably and wretchedly.  I didn't understand.

. . . the Unknown God of my people, which was all life, let them fall into servitude of a much more powerful race, and I hated the God.  So I sought out to slay it in every person, because it needed to be conquered because it had conquered my poor, wretched family.  That was my most ignorant point of my life, that God could be conquered and that because one loved God, that kept him safe from harm, enslavement, servitude.

I didn't know that the Unknown God resided in all my peoples and all other peoples and that the nature of itself was that it gave.  God is love.
Ramtha identified his teachings as philosophy and not truth.

Truth is relative.  Only what you know as truth is truth.  If you don't know anything else, it is not the truth.  If someone tells you that there is a twenty-third universe besides this one, they may be telling you from scientific observation.  It is their truth, but is it yours?  It is not your truth.  It is a philosophy, like most things in your life.  You know why it is not the truth?  Because you haven't experienced the twenty-third universe, and only until you experience the twenty-third universe is it a truth.
In the third chapter "Origins of the Self," Ramtha is quoted:

The teaching that I am going to give you today may be filled with that which is termed verbiage contradiction.  However, there is a level of understanding that transcends words, so words become that which is termed a cripple's tool in order to explain that desire that cannot be expressed.

Ramtha's description of 'The Void' reminds me of the perspective derived from Eastern spiritual wisdom scriptures suggesting God to be an Energy Source.  The Void was explained to have "contemplated itself": "So it turned all of itself in on itself . . . And the moment it did that and came back, it was two instead of one . . . between these two points we also have a new reality, and the reality is called time . . . We have time, distance and space that is offset by another consciousness . . . This is the God and this is the mirror consciousness of God . . . So now we have life happening . . . So now we have a ladder being built, and we have this mirror consciousness here always reflecting to the God consciousness here.  And what exists between the two are called potentials of life . . . Now when you were born . . . Point Zero . . . when your God created you . . . and you began the journey through contemplation coming down . . . When we were in descent, all of us, we called that the Book of Involution . . . Where you are sitting, there is an extraordinary level of intelligence sitting with you."  

Ramtha's cosmology encompasses seven planes of existence with information presented such as: "all orbiting orbs [planets] are hollow" and with the first human incarnations there were small brains that "operated in infrared, which is called the psychic realm."  Humanity evolved: "These entities came along, took you  and comingled their seed with yours, so they bred into your body their experiences . . . They are Gods from the same Source, who are ahead of you in evolution."

He also mentioned:

There are civilizations and entities on other planets, in other galaxies, in other dimensions, in other time-flows that are much more advanced than you are.
Previous blog articles about other cases usually categorized as involving 'paranormal phenomena' correlate with some of Ramtha's statements.

Ramtha advised:

You have yet to develop your spiritual self that it can operate this body as a fine-tuned instrument of God.

In this life and why you came here to learn was "How do I live to the greatest of my spiritual potential, thereby using my body to its greatest potential?"

At this time the reason that you are unhappy with your life is because you are at the end of your ability to dream reality.  You let everything do it for you.
Although the meaning is often clear upon considering Ramtha's statements, some of the noticeable 'verbiage contradictions' found in this book (in relation to my own spiritual orientation) would seem to include: 
I want you to worship you.

You can never, ever manifest in your life that which you do not accept. You only manifest what you accept.

. . . you create your reality.  And if you are a victim, it is because you made it that way.

And nothing is good and bad as seen in the light of all eternity.

God is incapable of judgment.  God is incapable of judging you, hating you, condemning you.  There is only allowing.

God only knows what you know.
When analyzing cases of so-called  'psychic' or 'unexplained phenomena' that have been as extensively documented as this case, it is the noticeable contradictions that will offer a reader the chance to postulate observations and potential conclusions about the significance of these circumstances. 

Ramtha's perspective of God in A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality offers some moral awareness: "God is love . . . And the way you love you is to give to you freedom, peace, and when you take that and give it to yourself, you then usher it to other people.  Give to them.  Give to them . . . Don't take.  Don't take . . . If you are a giver, you embody the divine power within you because there is no end to the resource."

Keeping many of Ramtha's own statements in mind, one may well wonder how could there even exist the concept of right and wrong if there was nothing to be gained by being able to distinguish between these understandings and this wasn't consequential to the Mind of God? 

Ramtha's commentary in the book encompasses the human auric field, quantum mechanics, the body's seven centers or 'seven seals,' kundalini energy, and thought processes.  Ramtha explained: " . . . all life is made up of condensed consciousness and energy in the form of particles . . . Every tree, every insect, every grain of sand came from a superior intelligence."

JZ Knight in her autobiography revealed that Ramtha had conveyed to her that in fighting against tyranny he had become a barbarian, conqueror and tyrant during his Earth life.  If one attempts to place into context the appearance of Ramtha at this time in the course of human civilization, one may realize that this predicament offers insights to the lives of people even today.  Instead of a Jesus or Buddha, Ramtha's contemporary manifestation through JZ Knight offers a perhaps surprising example of God's forgiveness, showing the accessibility of paradise through spiritual understanding.  The battlefield killer in perceiving the ignominy of his path devotes himself to fostering benevolence for the peace and joy of all.  The biblical Jesus also instructed: "Sin no more."

Economic and political hierarchies are identified by Ramtha as resulting with "pitifully impoverished" knowledge:

So how about the people who have an agenda about keeping a government together, is it to their advantage to do away with superstition and dogma?  It is not to their advantage.  It divides and conquers the people, and they are the people who keep them in control.  Now this teaching is not secular.  This teaching is about a brain, a spiritual body, and levels of development.  The teaching says to you, very blatantly today, you have in you everything you need to change your life.  Now is there here someone here, including me, going to make you change?  No.  You are forgotten Gods.  You may be forgotten but you are still Gods.  And the only entities that have forgotten that that is a truth is you.
I have read only a few vague comments about life in the ascended realm for the entity known as 'Ramtha the Enlightened One.'  This is a subject I hope to learn more about as new information about Ramtha becomes available.  One also realizes that a portion of Ramtha's life continues to be the Earth sojourns when he is embodied by JZ Knight and presenting his teachings.  Previous articles at this blog about other channeling cases allow comparisons to be made.

One of the many intriguing statements found in A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality is in relation to Ramtha's life 35,000 years ago and his present teaching:

. . . I came here to talk to people that I once knew in a time that seems far remote from this time, and yet that time and this time are happening at the same moment.


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