'The Dr. Fritz Phenomenon'


Masao Maki’s In Search of Brazil’s Quantum Surgeon: The Dr. Fritz Phenomenon (1998) is a nonfiction account making clear that encountering Rubens Faria was only the most blatant manifestation of an intermediary Superconsciousness in Maki’s life. 

Maki described witnessing how Faria’s own personality would regularly be substituted by a consciousness identified in part as that of Dr. Adolph Fritz, the World War I German army surgeon who’d formerly been associated with Arigo and other Brazilian trance healers.  Faria would be unconscious as his body enabled 'Dr. Fritz' to regularly treat hundreds or even more than a thousand patients in a single day.  A graduate of the Institute of Military Engineering, Faria had previously worked as a computer engineer.

Early in his account, Maki observed, "All this synchronicity meant something, I felt. I couldn’t simply dismiss these coincidences as flukes."  In Faria’s warehouse clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Maki found himself observing the process where Faria ‘channeled’ Dr. Fritz.  While Faria needed eyeglasses as he was myopic with an astigmatism, the incorporated Dr. Fritz’s spirit "can see everything without glasses, inside and out."

Maki’s book includes interviews with many people who’d been successfully treated for maladies deemed inoperable by their customary doctors, including some who expressed their gratitude by working as clinic volunteers.  At the time of Maki’s visit in May 1996, it was estimated that 350,000 patients had received medical treatment.  Maki noticed that a large number of patients each day were treated with a dark brown liquid inside hypodermic needles.  Maki eventually decided to have his painful left shoulder be treated with an injection from Dr. Fritz and the treatment proved successful.  He discovered that this liquid was made up of alcohol, iodine and turpentine.  Standard anesthesia practices were not necessary during the healing being accomplished. 

Maki was able to locate Faria after becoming acquainted with David Sonnenschein, an American filmmaker residing in Brazil who was working on a documentary about Dr. Fritz.  Music composed by Maki is featured in the completed documentary "Dr Fritz — Healing the Body and Spirit" (1996).   Maki commented about this documentary: "This ninety-minute video could be very persuasive to people skeptical about psychic surgery, perhaps as people of the sixteenth century were skeptical of Copernicus’s theory."

On the final day of five days of observing the healing work before returning to the United States, Maki thanked Dr. Fritz, who said: "There is some deeper meaning to your visit here.  Maybe it would be a good idea to contemplate this.  Thank you very much.  Someday I will see you again."

For his second expedition to Brazil to observe the Dr. Fritz phenomenon, Maki was joined by his friend Kaori, a professional astrologer who’d coauthored two Japanese books with Maki.  In the first book Spiritual Adventures of a Sushi Chef (1997) the duo "debunked" an Indian "prophecy scam" that had become popular in Japan while in the second book "we debunked a fake shaman in Peru . . ." Watching the Dr. Fritz documentary convinced Kaori to seek treatment for her neck because of a vertebra injury due to a car accident.

Maki quoted Rubens Faria from the documentary:

"In 1983, I was recently married and my wife was a Spiritist.  One day, she said to me, ‘Let’s go to my friend’s house for a Spiritist meeting.’  I wasn’t a Spiritist, but you know, when you are married, you’ll do anything.  So I went.  I got there, sat down, and the praying started.  Then she said, ‘Come here, Rubens.  Sit at the table with us to talk about Spiritism.’  I said, ‘Okay.’  The minute I sat there, I started to get dizzy, nauseated, cold and hot flashes.  I think I fainted, but I’m still not sure.  I came back after forty minutes and the friend’s daughter had a bunch of towels on her face.  I awoke kind of dizzy and asked ‘What happened?’  Everybody looked at me quietly.  She said, ‘A spirit doctor came and operated on my daughter using a razor blade.’  I looked at the bloody razor on the table and said I couldn’t believe it was me that did that.  ‘No, it was really you.’  A few days later, she went to the doctor, who said she had a fantastic operation for her cataracts and they were no longer there."

Faria began treating patients after asking Dr. Fritz to help his ill ten-day-old adopted daughter and seeing her made healthy.  "I was at the side of her crib and saw a bright white light and his image.  He looked at me and said that he would save my daughter to prove to me that God exists and that I would have to work for the sake of humanity." 

As seen in the documentary, David asked Rubens about communicating with Dr. Fritz and Rubens explained, "I hear his voice and see him at night, mainly when he wants to say something, give me some advice."  Rubens also mentioned that he, himself, after eleven years of his work as a channeler, underwent surgery for skin cancer under the direction of Dr. Fritz.

Some of the quotations taken from the documentary also are presented in Sandy Johnson’s book The Brazilian Healer with the Kitchen Knife (2003) with some minor variations in the transcription.  When asked about the date of his birth, Dr. Fritz stated that he was born in Munich on July 1, 1874.

Kaori received an injection from Dr. Fritz to find on the following day that the swelling and pain were gone.  She was quoted by Maki: "I'm really glad I came to see Dr. Fritz . . . I didn't feel like I was getting treated by a doctor; I felt I was being blessed by God's energy."

Dr. Fritz explains that he injects the energy body, called the astral body: "I see colors, diagnosis only, not treatment, just to see what the problem is. I can’t see liver or heart or brain.  I just see colors, like the chakras, the same system, but not the mystical principles.  The mistake human beings make is that they just focus on the visible body.  They forget that there is an invisible energy body. I see an array of colors that function like the density of water.  It’s like the phenomenon that happens with the formation of a rainbow.  You human beings have to be able to see these energies.  You can call the energy body that is around the physical body anything you like.  A name is just a name.  Steiner called it the astral body. Steiner studied the principles of the astral body.  So I am injecting into the astral body.  So I am extracting the tumor first from the astral body and second from the material body.  In the astral body, we don’t have pain, bleeding, infections."

"The alcohol in the injection liquid is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.  It’s easier to break down these molecules using the raw materials.  In reality, the body is not solid.  The body is the electromagnetic union of particles in constant resonance.  So when I inject this composition of iodine and alcohol, these substances take on a different configuration inside each person’s body, making different substances.  I move the magnetic fields.  I can use these fields to stop the bleeding and pain and to increase or decrease the growth of cells.  Energy fields and mass . . . You put together the mass; everything is mass.  If you interrelate these and have the same frequency field, you generate the same magnetic field.  You have to move the field to learn how to do this."

Dr. Fritz also spoke about the significance of the pineal gland —

"You don’t study this in the middle of the head.   Study more here, between the eyebrows, the pineal gland.  If you study here in the third eye, you will be able to do it.  There’s something here that helps, that hasn’t been noticed.  They say this is good for nothing.  Ridiculous, it helps a lot."

During a discussion with David Sonnenschein during this sojourn in Brazil, Maki was reminded: "Dr. Fritz is like a spokesman, the verbal part of a lot of other spirits and entities."  Another doctor occasionally recognized treating patients while incorporated in the body of Faria was Dr. Ricardo, who was known to deal with "deeper surgery" and make large incisions.  Sonnenschein also reported that Dr. Fritz said that each patient has an individual spirit accompanying them.  When Maki asked about the mission of the spirit group, Sonnenschein commented:

"He is trying to heighten the levels of human consciousness and spirituality.  He would like to show people that there is a wonderful world that is invisible beside the material world.  He likes people to believe in themselves and God.  His ultimate message is that we are all connected to one another, that we and nature and the universe are ultimately one.  Oneness is the truth."

Although Maki admitted that his book didn’t divulge everything he’d learned about Dr. Fritz, one of the most illuminating surgeries described by Maki involved a blind baby boy.  Maki was surprised when—as shown in the documentary—Dr. Fritz asked the mother to hold her child’s hand and then began operating on her healthy eyes.  Dr. Fritz explained:

"This is one of the most difficult operations to perform.  This is how to treat the mother for her child.  I cut here, freeing the tissue in the mother.  In two or three days, there will be no more tissue in his eye.  Then this baby boy can see.  This kind of operation hasn’t been performed before.  The mother and her baby have a very similar DNA structure, so through the hand-holding, the change in the DNA can be transferred to the baby at the speed of light."

"Later you will learn that these chromosomal genetic associations can transport energy.  There is a chain that is electronically interlinked.  You have to alter a piece.  Not the whole thing, just a piece.  Remember the formula: adenine, guanine.   One triggers the next.  Change one and that’s it."

Dr. Fritz also said that he could reconstruct anything except nerve cells; while the disease he couldn’t cure is "the disease since birth, that which is congenital.  And also the physical body that has fibrosis I can’t cure, because the astral body does not have enough water for me to do anything."

On one occasion, Maki asked Dr. Fritz to explain the energy being used while he was simultaneously treating patients.

"When I treat patients, I use the energy inside the patient.  Everybody has this kind of energy in their cells.  Inside the cells, the name of the organism is the mitochondrion [a micro-thread inside the cytoplasm of the cell].  I use the energy of the mitochondrion to treat my patients.  The energy I use is closer to the concept of chi energy, as they call it in Chinese; or prana, as the Indian people call it; or ki, as the Japanese call it.  But I use this energy very intensively."
As with some other cases I’ve read involving perspectives offered by visitors from the ascended realm, Dr. Fritz was perceived by Faria to have offered commentary that proved incorrect regarding a prediction of Faria's demise around the end of the year 2000.  Dr. Fritz was also reported to have said that in the year 2000 an expected "big change"/"big noise" would happen: "Boom!  That will happen in six years."  Readers such as myself who’ve considered a variety of metaphysical case studies will acknowledge that warnings concerning some form of world catastrophe are sometimes found in the communication with otherworldly visitors; considering the environmental disasters at Chernobyl and Fukushima along with the threat of further nuclear weapons use, the expectations have not been baseless.

A few years ago, an Internet search brought to my attention an interview with Rubens Faria by Sarida Brown in the spring 2002 edition of the UK health and healing magazine Caduceus.  Since the publication of Maki’s book, there had been an alteration in the healing work.  After fourteen years of being unconscious as he served as the channel for the healing work, he survived the expected date of his demise and reported:

From that time I began to work more consciously, and later in Wisconsin I received a gift and became fully conscious in the healing.  But the name of Dr. Fritz remains as a symbol of faith.  We all need something beyond us, that is so high that it is difficult to reach.  The real symbol is not in Dr. Fritz; the symbol is inside you, and I am just a proof that this symbol of faith exists.

This comment about symbolism impressed me as something important for readers to consider upon reading the case study of my own spiritual awakening Testament (1997).

A testimonial about a spiritual path that encompassed spiritual healing and Rubens Faria has also been presented by William Moreira in his nonfiction book "Dr. Fritz" The Phenomenon of the Millennium (2002) as profiled in three 2012 blog articles (1, 2, 3).

Cases involving communication of people from an ascended state of existence offer evidence that individual personality and perspective transcends an Earth life and that the universe is seen and understood through the unique experiences and education of each so-called 'personality' or 'consciousness unit.'  The processes of the human mind and innate creativity provide us with a basis for understanding the ultimate Source of our intellect as we live each moment in the presence of this Source that can also be expressed with the word 'God.'



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