The 'Paranormal' In Perspective

Testament photo caption: "June Ellis and a spirit at Grocery Store in Wapanucka, Oklahoma on Highway 7 / A. W. Ellis"

The articles at this blog present information that will expand readers' awareness of aspects of life that are sometimes categorized or described as 'paranormal phenomena.'  As with other recurring subjects, there is broad documentation of the channeling cases that have been selected as topics, including Rosemary Brown, Edgar Cayce, Eileen Garrett, Mark Probert, and Chico Xavier, among others.

Recent blog articles have focused on spiritual healing encompassing trance mediumship/'channeling' — a process resulting with vivid evidence of what William Moreira called in his 2002 book "Dr. Fritz" The Phenomenon of the Millennium "a free intelligent power doing what is considered impossible."  

I, myself, became acquainted with such a 'power' after setting out to investigate a so-called "talking poltergeist" haunting in rural Oklahoma during the summer of 1995.  In recent years, this blog has reported about psychic phenomena (including clairvoyance and clairaudience), direct voice/independent voice phenomena (disembodied speech), and physical (materialization) mediumship.  Numerous people have reported experiencing 'voice hearing' (disembodied speech) and this suggests the universality of this phenomenon.  Some have reported experiencing 'voice hearing' on a singular or few occasions during their lives, including Martin Luther King, Jr.

Other blog topics have included rare forms of mentality (including Jill Price, Clive Wearing and Dissociative Identity Disorder cases), Near Death Experiences, synchronicity, automatic writing, Electronic Voice Phenomena and Instrumental Transcommunication, Spiritualism, UFOlogy and flying saucer 'contactees,' the 'talking poltergeist' cases (including the 'Bell Witch' case), and cases suggestive of individual physical reincarnation.

William Moreira wrote in his 2002 case study book about trance medium healer Rubens de Faria, Jr.: "With all the media and communications in our world I am more frightened and amazed at how men can ignore what is going (on) with these phenomena."  Similar predicaments were pondered in the blog articles "John of God and the Media" and "Rosemary Brown and the Media".

Moreira described how he was cured of several maladies in the summer of 1995.  On four different days at Faria's clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Moreira was treated for a thyroid condition, shoulder injuries, and a bone fragment was removed from his right knee.  He estimated that more than 2,000 people a day were being treated and sometimes as much as 3,000 between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.  The expression 'spirit' to describe 'Dr. Fritz' when used by Moreira is a convenient term signifying an individual personality who has made the transition to an ascended realm of existence yet is able to manifest on Earth through inhabiting the body of a medium/channeler during brief interims.

Moreira's book began as a journal and reveals his frame of mind at the time of his spiritual awakening.  He had become a resident of the United States after growing up in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.  Moreira returned in October 1995 to the cement-walled warehouse that served as a makeshift hospital for Faria.  This time Moreira brought photographic equipment.  Included in Moreira's book are numerous black and white photos of Faria treating his patients.  A similarity is noticeable between the names of Rubens de Faria, Jr. and 'John of God' (João Teixeira de Faria).  

'Dr. Fritz' revealed himself as a 'more-knowing' rather than 'all-knowing' personality as he made some statements that would in time prove incorrect.  For example,  Moreira learned —

"Dr Fritz" announced that in the second millennium or less than five years he is leaving our area because he will have accomplished his mission and Rubens is going with him.  He even predicted that Rubens will be shot three times, dying immediately without any suffering, but this date could be delayed by a few years.  He's going to another part of the Universe and Rubens must go with him, because he belongs to his group and it is a reward.  "Dr. Fritz" wants Rubens to start preparing himself spiritually and that is the reason for telling him now.  At the moment Rubens does not accept it gracefully!

On the fifth day of his second trip to Rio de Janeiro, Moreira befriended a three-year-old boy.  When he brought him to 'Dr. Fritz,' Moreira heard the doctor say that the two of them had the same problem.  Moreira learned that the boy was born deaf but after eight visits for ear injections he was showing signs that his condition was improving.  Moreira remembered an operation twenty years earlier that damaged his left inner ear.  After an injection by 'Dr. Fritz,' Moreira soon noticed he, himself, was hearing in both ears again.

Moreira commented about the operations —

There are many things that we find perplexing.  It seems impossible while he is working with people he talks and smiles, cuts tumors out, gives shots, writes prescriptions and everything else while he is walking and often not even physically looking at the patient.  Even my photos show the power of the spiritual world in our daily life.  I asked him if he must look at his movements.  He said it is not necessary for him and then he even joked that spirits have no eyes!  Well, he proves it for sure while doing his performance!

The small loss of blood or none at all plus the absence of pain is all done by a great spiritual power that moves as very intelligent energy, also called spiritual fluid.

Moreira's book was written in memory of his daughter Carol, who was run over by a truck in New York City in February 1996.  He described an incident eighteen days after her burial when after awaking one morning he twice heard her voice telling him to read page fifty.  He then "opened dozens of books and none made any sense, except for page fifty of The Gospel According to Spiritism.  It is a true consolation to those who have a loved one who has gone back to the spiritual world."  There was a second clairaudient occurrence on March 30 after Moreira's grandson hurt himself on the playground: ". . . I heard it clear from somewhere, 'Nothing Serious.'"

Moreira also described a visual experience when his daughter's face became discernible in an incandescent light.  "That beautiful ghost gave a smile and slowly disappeared and I know it only lasted seconds, but it was enough time for me to engrave it clear in my memory forever."

When he returned to Rio de Janeiro in May 1996, Faria's hospital had relocated to a larger facility.  Moreira noticed that a greater percentage of patients were being healed by injection without noticeable surgery.  The injections occurred so quickly that he estimated an average of 125 to 200 people were being treated an hour.  'Dr. Fritz' told him that he was going to let Faria visit New York for a one week vacation "because he was working long hours five or six days a week for almost twelve years without time off and he was going to a real friend's house."

The New York visit by Faria and his wife occurred in June 1996.  The Farias began the vacation in a hotel but they soon decided to stay as guests in Moreira's house.  Moreira interviewed 'Dr. Fritz' and this portion of the book features a question and answer transcript.  Moreira noted that he did his best to recall and put into words what was said by 'Dr. Fritz.' 

The story of "Dr. Fritz's" past is irrelevant as he told me.  In his last reincarnation he was born in Germany, was a surgeon and discarnated (died) in the First World War while working as a surgeon on the front in 1914.  How he died and all the details are not important because what he is doing with the message of his actions is what counts.

Dr. F: When man uses the gift of free will and his mind intellectually toward the marvelous and splendorous steps in the direction of the spiritual light beamed at them then and only then will everything change.  Planet Earth will not be a hospital school for souls but the paradise that many dream about and believe it should be eternally for all.  Nature is beautiful but man needs his intellectuality to see and appreciate it otherwise he will be like an animal passing a flower garden without appreciating it.

Dr. F.: Remember the Universe is sublime and infinite.  Our planet Earth is a learning stratum and we never stop.  Science will never stop upgrading itself.  The universe is not a task that will end and we as part of it will always be going up in a spiral of light.  No one will ever be bored, because the beauty of God's creation is so divine that there is no imagination, words or pictures to fantasize about it because the restriction of our mind at this stage is incapable of such magnitude.

Dr. F.: The brain is the organ that sends electrical impulses to the whole body through the nervous system controlled by the will of the soul.

After being the recipient of spiritual healing, William Moreira desired to inform others to expand their spiritual awareness and "Dr. Fritz" The Phenomenon of the Millennium is the result.  Once when I, myself, had the opportunity to interview a spiritual healer who was seeking to publicize his new autobiography and was hopeful about a movie being made about his life, I expressed my concern about the possibility of distortion and exploitation.  The healer replied, "I'd have to run a very close rein on it."  He indicated that what was most important was his "message."  This is how I feel about my own predicament and I am certain that all the authors whose work has been profiled at this blog feel this way.

It is humbling to consider that my own spiritual awakening enabled me to personally witness a diverse and eclectic gamut of occurrences revealing evidence of an intermediary Christ Force/spiritual Oneness in my life.  Making such a statement often motivates people to dismiss me as a "crank" but they haven't read my case study book Testament (1997) nor do they have any knowledge of my life experiences.  Considering different responses to cases involving 'unexplained phenomena' provides insights to social conditions in the present and also in the past.

I described some of the events that I experienced in 2004 and 2007 news releases

"In the Bell Witch case, there was an incident where the haunting Entity repeated two different ministers' sermons in their own voices after they'd spoken in different locations at the same time earlier that day.  In Centrahoma, Twyla Eller told me about an incident where she overheard her sister and a friend talk about a flat tire.  Later, Twyla witnessed the same conversation when it actually occurred so she said it was as if their house had recorded it before it happened.  I thought of these occurrences following my return to L.A.  My TV set started going off whenever I began to watch it.  Upon turning on MTV's 'The Real World' set in London, at that precise moment one of the roommates was complaining that their telephone service had stopped working and then my TV went off.

"The range of my experiences throughout my life enabled me to find parallels between the account of the Angelic Force called 'Michael' by the family in Oklahoma with what has been recorded about the Angel Who spoke to Moses in the Mount, was mentioned as an 'angelical spirit' in the Nostradamus 1555 letter to his son, used Edgar Cayce as a channel, was referred to as 'The Mahatmas' by The Secret Doctrine author Madame Blavatsky, communicated via the Ouija Board to inspire the Messages From Michael books, and was glimpsed in a near death experience by Dr. George Ritchie as described in his book Return From Tomorrow."

"My experiences and research have shown me that all living things are continuously interacting with an intermediary Superconsciousness or Spiritual Force that may be recognized through circumstances often described as coincidences and synchronicity, intuition and telepathy, prophetic dreams and visions, mediumship and trance channeling, healing, as well as events associated with such expressions as 'hauntings,' 'talking poltergeists' and 'electronic voice phenomena.'  This predicament might be articulated as all living things having a shared Subconscious Mind and 'Thought Conductor.' Such expressions as 'Oneness' and 'Christ Consciousness' are also useful."

Above is a page of photos from William Moreira's book.


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