John of God: Journey to the Spirit World

This photograph taken by Kelsie McKinney at John of God's healing center in Brazil is from her website

Kelsie (Kenefick) McKinney is a biofeedback therapist and a guide who brings groups of people to John of God's healing center, the Casa de Dom Inácio de Loyola in Brazil.

The author of Migraines Be Gone (2006) and The Stress Mess (2008), Kelsie attended the State University of New York at New Paltz, where she received her masters degree in Humanistic Psychology and Education.  She is a licensed mental health counselor in New York, is board certified in medical biofeedback, and is a licensed professional counselor in Colorado.  Her John of God: Journey to the Spirit World (2012) begins with her considering how the book originated.

As I sit in Abadiania, Brazil, I begin to write my story with great resistance.  But, the Entities — the good spirits that come through John of God — insist the story be told.

Kelsie reflected in her book, "I feel as though I am living in the world of spirit when I am here in Abadiania . . . so grateful my journey took me here."

Years earlier, after ending a disastrous personal relationship that left her feeling unsafe, Kelsie heard a medical doctor describe having her knee and her vision healed by John of God in Brazil.  Kelsie recalled having seen a television documentary about John of God but at that time had dismissed it as "smoke and mirrors."  Then, two other people told her about being cured—of leukemia and breast cancer, respectively—by John of God and Kelsie began to wonder if he could help her in relation to her own life-threatening situation.

Kelsie's first meeting with John of God occurred at the Omega Institute in upstate New York.  She described entering a huge white tent with hundreds of other people dressed in white "so that the spirits that come through John of God could more easily see our energy field . . ."  In the 'first time line,' Kelsie passed through two 'current rooms' where hundreds of people facilitating or receiving healing appeared to be in a deep state of meditation.  She then approached John of God "in-Entity" in the Main Hall.

There was a woman two people ahead of me on crutches.  John of God said to one of the volunteers that was assisting him, "Take her crutches — she does not need them."  They took her crutches and he told her to walk.  She seemed to walk totally fine and walked for about fifteen feet before he told her to turn around and walk back.  Her eyes appeared to be closed as she was walking and upon her return he said, "Now open your eyes and walk.  You are healed.  Go over there and sit in current."

I was mesmerized as I witnessed this, feeling like I was in a trance.  To see such a miracle in front of my eyes moved something inside of me.  This was just the first of countless miracles I would witness in the following years.  What a blessing that the good spirits had put me here.

As I approached John of God he held his hand out and I placed my hand on his.  Looking in his eyes I felt a wave of love and compassion flow into me.  The Entities see us as a hologram and they know what we need for our healing.  A hologram is a three dimensional image formed from light.  "Holo" means whole and they see us in our entirety.

Kelsie was told to return the next morning for a "spiritual intervention" (or 'invisible operation').  When visiting the United States, John of God performs no physical surgeries ('visible operations').  For her intervention, Kelsie was surprised to learn that she would be in a room with around 150 other people.

Kelsie had been told that the Entities could work on up to nine requests for a single person during an intervention.  One of her requests was for the healing of a three-centimeter lump in her breast, the result of being pinched by her sister when she was a teenager.  Another request was for the healing of lower back pain.  She sat down in the intervention room and was instructed to keep her arms and legs uncrossed while her eyes were closed.

I heard John of God come into the room and listened to his voice for what seemed like just a couple of minutes.  Then I heard his footsteps as he walked out of the room.  Someone translated and said that the Entity proclaimed, "All my children are healed."  We were then instructed to go outside for to receive our post-intervention instructions.

The group was told that for the next 24 hours they were to remain in bed and sleep if they were tired.

As Kelsie rested in bed at her cabin, she checked to see if the lump in her breast had become smaller and was startled when she couldn't find any trace of it.  "I started poking around as my mind was sure it had to still be there . . . Then I heard a firm, clear and loud voice that said, 'STOP POKING AND PRODDING! YOU JUST HAD SURGERY!'"

Her lower back pain was also gone.  She received a second intervention a few days later and observed, "This one was much more difficult for me.  It felt like the spirits were pulling tentacles out of my energetic field.  This is the best way I can describe the images."

In her book there are further recollections of occasional instances of voice hearing phenomena providing spiritual guidance for Kelsie, who observed, "It can be a challenging situation in our culture when people hear voices.  Sometimes it is because they are in touch with the world of spirit."

During her second visit to see John of God at Omega, Kelsie brought a photo of her mother, who had written requests for help on the back.  Several weeks later, her mother reported that her irregular heartbeat had been healed.  This form of treatment is sometimes called 'distance healing' or 'remote healing.'

On this visit each time I approached John of God the Entity looked me straight in the eye and had the biggest smile imaginable!  One time he reached his hand out towards me with his palm up and as I went to place my hand on his I noticed the most perfect little rosebud that I had ever seen.  I looked up at him and communicated non-verbally, "Am I supposed to take this?"  With a big smile he nodded his head yes.

About expectations of healing, Kelsie commented:

Often people expect spontaneous healing when they go to John of God.  Yet, we must remember that the Entities are working on the spiritual root cause of the symptoms.  Sometimes the healing is spontaneous and sometimes it comes in increments.  I experienced both.

She offered her perspective of phenomena involving John of God that I had previously learned about from previous books and documentary videos chronicling this case.

We were told about one woman who had cancer throughout her whole body.  The Entity told her that if she was willing to lose one part of her body He would pull all of the cancer to that part — to her little finger — and cut it off.  She agreed and was healed of her cancer.

About some of the extensively documented healing styles, Kelsie observed: "The eye scraping can be used to heal many disorders and they need not have anything to do with the eyes."  About the "nose job" involving a hemostat, she wrote: "The concerns may have nothing to do with the respiratory tract or the brain."

Following the spiritual healing, the Entities recommend patients to follow protocols that can include such things as dietary restrictions or abstinence from alcohol and sex for up to forty days.

About Dom Inácio de Loyola, in whose honor the Casa is named, she wrote: "He was a great healer in his day and he is one of the Entities that comes through when the current is very strong . . . We are also told that Dom Inácio de Loyola will not be coming through much longer because his spirit is getting too fine and thin for Medium Joao to hold in his body."

Kelsie commented about the photos she took during her first visit to the Casa:

I noticed something very interesting when I got back to my room in the pousada and uploaded the photos to my computer.  The people in some of the photos looked surreal.  They looked flat and translucent.  It was as though you could see right through them.  There were shafts of white light radiating vertically through the photo and through the people.  In one of the photos, a man in the middle was out of focus but the other people in the photo were in focus.  This photo was also filled with white light streaming through the people in a vertical manner.

I can assure you that there was nothing wrong with my camera!  In fact, most of the photos looked normal.  This shows me, in a very physical way, the powerful spirit energies that are at work here.

Below are some more of Kelsie's photos from the Casa.



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