Adventures in UFOlogy

This is an Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) image from Bridge Between the Terrestrial and the Beyond (1989) by Hidegard Schaefer: "Video image of recorded voice researcher Dr. Konstantine Raudive (1909-1974)."   Below is another photo of Raudive as seen in an ITC video image showing an ascended realm of human existence.

"This is Konstantin Raudive.  Soon it will work everywhere!" — English translation of  ITC message received in 1986 by ITC researchers as documented in Breakthroughs in Technical Spirit Communication (1997) by Dr. Theo Locher and Maggy Harsch-Fischbach.  This book as well as Schaefer's book may be read at

At present, I have decided to continue blogging about the fascinating subject of UFOlogy as I review my research conducted during the years following the publication of my autobiographical book Testament in 1997.

On the night of March 13, 1997, widespread UFO sightings in the Arizona sky were reported and photographed.  This incident came to be known as ‘The Phoenix Lights’ although the city was only one among many throughout the area where sightings occurred.  It was an evening when people were watching the sky in search of Comet Hale-Bopp.

Also during 1997, the publication in July of Philip J. Corso’s book written with William J. Birnes The Day After Roswell offered an insider’s testimonial of government seeding of ‘alien technology’ for reverse-engineering at such companies as Bell Labs, IBM, Monsanto, Dow, General Electric, and Hughes.  According to the book, Colonel Phillip J. Corso (Ret.) was “a member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council and former head of the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army’s Research & Development department.”

Corso attested in his introduction of the book: “My boss, General Trudeau, asked me to use the army’s ongoing weapons development and research program as a way to filter the Roswell technology into the mainstream of industrial development through the military defense contracting program.”

Corso noted that he hadn’t assessed the weight of the accomplishments at Army R&D until thirty-five years after he left the army.  Remembering his arrival at the Foreign Technology desk in 1961, Corso chronicled finding “the puzzle pieces for a whole new age of technology.”  Corso specified that these Foreign Technology desk files included research of Serbian-born visionary inventor Nikola Tesla.  A military focus was revealed to be considered of utmost importance in the utilization for any manner of technological innovation.

For me the irony has always been the confluence between the historic work and discoveries of Nikola Tesla and the technology we ascertained the extraterrestrials had developed from our evaluation of the Roswell wreckage.  Tesla had experimented with wireless transmission of energy, and the extraterrestrials seemed to have employed a type of wireless transmission of energy for navigational and defensive purposes.  Tesla wrote about the theories behind the distortion or manipulation of a gravitational field through the propagation of electromagnetic waves, and the extraterrestrials seemed to have employed just that kind of technology for a propulsion system.  And Tesla’s descriptions of the theories behind the death ray he claimed to have perfected ultimately became the basis for the defensive weapons we deployed to challenge the hostile intrusions of our airspace by the extraterrestrials.  What posed a threat to us at Roswell and what we eventually learned from Tesla’s writings became two confluent streams of scientific theory that eventually became the basis of the Strategic Defense Initiative, an antiballistic missile and space vehicle weapon.

Corso’s narrative encompassed speculations that may have been influenced by UFOlogy books that he, himself, had read as he expounded on his own recollections and conclusions.  In one anecdote, Corso described having glimpsed the corpse of a six-fingered, four-foot-tall extraterrestrial being while stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas in 1947.  Perhaps the oddest facet of the book is the opening quote attributed to Davy Crockett: “Be sure you’re right, then go ahead.”  These are ironic words when equated with the frontiersman who died at the Battle of the Alamo.

In The Day After Roswellwords such as ‘hostile’ and ‘threat’ are equated with extraterrestrials, demonstrating that Corso’s book offers examples of the military mindset.  The same month Corso’s book was published, the movies “Contact” and “Men In Black” opened although at this time in my life I no longer was interested in seeing movies conceived as entertainment nor devoting any of my time to reading fiction, although I had previously read Contact (1985) by Carlos Sagan.  The following February after having heard some intriguing anecdotes in Los Angeles, I traveled to Phoenix to research experiences of people involved in different aspects of UFOlogy.

I’d been interested in the subject of possible 'extraterrestrial' contact since I was a teenager yet in recent years nothing I could find on the topic seemed intended to merely present data.  A plethora of unsubstantiated theories indicated that the subject was prone to being promulgated on the basis of reflecting the intentions, perspectives and biases of authors, intentionally or otherwise.

In some cases, writers of UFOlogy have shown an evolution of their own in their publications.  Author Jacques Vallee’s book Forbidden Science (1992) was a collection of journals written between 1957 and 1969.  Vallee’s commentary in the book’s foreword about these journals included the following.

Although they contain many passages that are very personal and some that are painful, they also provide a primary source about a crucial fact in the recent historical record: the appearance of new classes of phenomena that highlighted the reality of the paranormal.  These phenomena were deliberately denied or distorted by those in authority within the government and the military.  Science never had fair and complete access to the most important files.  This fact has been alleged before, but never proven.  The present book proves it.

. . . the major revelation of these Diaries may be the demonstration of how the scientific community was misled by the government, how the best data were kept hidden, and how the public record was shamelessly manipulated.

. . . Other facts are still hidden.  When they eventually come to the surface, as they must, it is my hope that this statement of the early years of our research into Forbidden Science may serve to highlight their true significance.

In an interview in the March 2006 issue of Sub Rosa, a free Internet magazine at, Vallee mentioned having proposed in his book Messengers of Deception “an information multiverse with fully physical manifestations.  After all, when I was researching mystical groups in the Melchizedek tradition, and was picked up by the only cab driver in Los Angeles called Melchizedek, it was a real car and a real driver!  To start understanding consciousness we need to develop a physics of information that does not rely on the formulations of the physics of energy, which is limited by its use of dimensions.”

In the interview, Vallee also stated that he believed the human collective psyche has access to cosmic consciousness: “The concept of other dimensions and parallel universes is part of mainstream cosmology now.  I just received in the mail the latest copy of New Scientist.  The cover shows two figures climbing into a flying saucer with the caption: ‘Life inside a black hole — how is it for you?’”

The unidentified Sub Rosainterviewer disclosed that government deception was one of the dangers Vallee warned about in his 1979 book Messengers of Deception.  My personal response to this book was that many of the author’s perceptions about the phenomena seemed incorrect yet I was reminded that readers in the field of UFOlogy are often confronted with claims having little substantiation.

I’ve often contemplated what to say to someone who knowingly serves as a purveyor of disinformation.  Perhaps, I would remind how ignominious and ultimately self-defeating it is for an individual to benefit in many ways throughout one’s life from the wisdom shared by so many other members of the human family throughout the ages and then in return contribute to society in a disingenuous, selfish and cowardly fashion.

What would be the reason to cover up something?  The answer is that one recognizes that the actions in question were wrong in the first place.  There is significance in the expressions ‘an honest mistake’ and ‘honesty is the best policy.’  It is always best to acknowledge a mistake and concentrate upon the solution.  If this is not done, the problem only escalates.  A spiritually aware person knows the importance of heeding one’s conscience.  Last week, when I listened to the interview with criminologist Adrian Raine mentioned in the previous blog article, information was presented about contemporary convicted murderers living and functioning apparently without having any spiritual or moral understanding whatsoever.
The strange case study of my own ‘spiritual awakening’ and unexpected journey to expanded spiritual and metaphysical awareness, Testament, chronicled the period in my life when I ended my career in the Southern California entertainment industry and stopped ‘going to the movies’ and watching TV programs.  Remembering the time in my life when I was employed as a publicist for Paramount Pictures and learned about 'corporate thinking,' I had no idea that my life was leading me toward experiences that would completely change my understanding of reality. 

In 2005 I listened to the late night radio show "Coast to Coast AM" when Travis Walton was the guest.  On June 3, I sent the following Email to Travis Walton and Mike Rogers after visiting the website  The subject was "Interview comments from a past acquaintance."  Occasionally in the past I've sent Email like this to individuals to encourage them to carefully listen to their own interviews in relation to Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP).  Some people who are aware of this phenomena apparently don't attempt to inform others about it because they have no understanding about EVP or perhaps think that people aren't open-minded enough to consider that something like this could be happening and receive so little attention.  These circumstances are thought-provoking in relation to the question of how conscious are people in their daily lives. 

Dear Travis and Mike,

You may remember me as the publicity writer who was working on the press kit production information for FIRE IN THE SKY.  Little did I know back then (at the time of our brief phone conversation) about what was in store for me in 1995.  After having worked on a number of paranormal-themed films -- including GHOST, DEAD AGAIN, INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE and many more, I went to Oklahoma to interview a family experiencing 'talking poltergeist'/alien manifestations for a potential book or movie.  The resulting case study encompasses events that encourage consideration of 'Superconscious' aspects of so-called supernatural phenomena -- a loving, shared subconscious and also 'exo-conscious' organizing Force for all living things; and made comprehensible by such metaphysical concepts as karma and synchronicity (as well as movies like STAR WARS). 

One of the areas of study that resulted from my experiences is what is now known as Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP).  It may come as a surprise to you that EVP and unattributed sounds are commonly audible not only on all recorded audio material but also on radio broadcasts.  Therefore, if you listen closely to your interview from earlier this week you'll hear some examples.  I recorded the last hour of a radio station Internet broadcast and have noted some of the prominent examples from this hour of the show in transcript excerpts below so you'll know precisely where to find some of them.  I hope you have a copy of the interview; if not, you can listen to the archive edition of the show at the website or ask the show producer Lisa Lyon to send you a copy. 

Yours truly, 


The transcript excerpts that followed were formatted similar to those featured in the preceding blog article with EVP words/Spirit messages capitalized and in parentheses.
I received the following response from Travis Walton on July 17, 2005.

Subject: RE: Interview comments from a past acquaintance

Wow Mark, that's some heavy stuff.  This stuf can be heard without special equipment? 


I replied the same day:


A regular tape recorder or microcassette recorder will suffice; however, the best way to listen to a tape is via Dictaphone transcribing machine with foot pedal to replay the tape when EVP can be heard.  Also, earphone padding should be removed as it reduces clarity to a small degree.  Some EVP researchers use microphones with their recorders. 

The first people to record and demonstrate this phenomena were Friedrich Jurgenson and Konstantin Raudive.  Jurgenson was attempting to record birdsongs in 1959 when he first discovered what he described as "transmissions."  He later admitted his initial idea was wrong that connected the mysterious voices on the tapes with 'planetarians' or space aliens and unidentified flying objects.  

Jurgenson's case study VOICE TRANSMISSIONS WITH THE DECEASED may be read in the 'Books' section of the homepage.  Jurgenson concluded about the voice transmissions, "I was selected by some unknown force to be a pioneer and at the same time to be a humble guinea pig also forced to endure with body and soul a considerable measure of stress and challenge."  

Raudive became a colleague of Jurgenson and published his own book, BREAKTHROUGH: AN AMAZING EXPERIMENT IN ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD (the main portion is also available at the worlditc website).  The book included an 'appendices' section with a large and diverse group of experts and other witnesses corroborating the voice phenomena.  One of Raudive's publishers, Peter Bander, also wrote a book about these early days of the discovery of Electronic Voice Phenomena.  The title of this book is CARRY ON TALKING.  

Anyone who reads these three books wouldn't be surprised by the claim that EVP may be heard on all recorded material as well as radio broadcasts. 

I hope you'll let me know your thoughts after closely listening to a recording of your COAST TO COAST AM interview.  I only was able to record the last hour of the show from a radio station Internet rebroadcast.  I would be willing to carefully study the whole interview with my Dictaphone equipment if someone would be willing to mail me a cassette (preferable to CD but a CD would also be acceptable) of the show.  The EVP should also be audible (with somewhat less clarity perhaps) on the archive edition of your interview at 



Walton also was among those whom I emailed the following message on July 30, 2007. 

A link to my 26-minute webcam lecture "Superconsciousness" is now available at 

The lecture includes commentary about occurrences in the lives of Madame Blavatsky, Dr. John Dee, Edgar Cayce, Harry Edwards, Eileen Garrett and Leslie Flint. I've also made the lecture available at but there it is presented in three parts and may be found by searching for "Superconsciousness." 



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