
Showing posts from 2016

Biam Trawas Community 2nd Anniversary

Selamat datang kembali kawan .. Tepat tanggal 30 Oktober kemarin kami baru saja merayakan hari dikukuhkannya komunitas kami yang menginjak tahun ke-2 dengan nama : BIAM ... Bagi kalian yang belum tau apa itu biam silalahkan cek  disini Sekedar untuk tambah teman silhkan kunjungi profil  Saya

Biam ???

Di dunia ini, kau tidak dapat hidup sendiri.Kau selalu butuh  seseorang yang bisa menenangkanmu dalam segala situasi, yaitu sahabat Oke, sebelumnya aq ucapin terima kasih bagi agan/sista yang sudah mau mampir di blog aq yang sederhana ini. BIAM Apa itu BIAM.??? Tercetuskan pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2014 , yang berarti BIAM berzodiak Scorpio ... Sebenarnya nama BIAM tercetus secara tidak disengaja, berawal dari bercandanaan teman-teman yg sedang bercanda gurau ... Berawal dari kepunyaan hobi yang sama, sama - sama suka jalan - jalan keliling indonesia. walaupun sementara sebatas daerah di jawa timur saja .. hehehe ... BIAM Terdiri dari berbagai latar belakang budaya dan suku bangsa Doc.Puncak Pawitra ada sebuah pepatah yang mengatakan : "Teman sejati adalah mereka yang selalu ada di sisimu bukan hanya pada saat kau berjaya, namun juga pada saat kau tak berdaya" Doc.Gunung Bromo 1  Doc.Gunung Bromo 2 Doc.Gunung Bromo 3 &q

Mainan yang Hits di tahuan 90-an

 JADI KANGEN MASA-MASA DULU Di era teknologi canggih seperti sekarang, para remaja sepertinya sudah menjadi generasi terkeren dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ada banyak tren baru untuk hang out, pacaran, eksis di pergaulan atau mencari hiburan. Namun jangan salah sangka. Ternyata ada banyak hal lebih keren yang dialami para remaja 15-20 tahun lalu. Hal-hal keren ini bisa membuat para remaja zaman sekarang menjadi iri. Bahkan di internet kita sering membaca komentar para remaja seperti: “I hate my generation”, “Kenapa gue gak tumbuh dewasa di era yang lebih asyik?”, “ABG sekarang serem banget!”, dsb.. Beberapa mainan ini mungkin pernah kalian tau, atau mungkin juga pernah kalian mainkan. Aku yakin kalian pasti akan senyum-senyum sendiri ... Cekidot gan  #1 Balon Tiup... Masih inget gak sama mainan yang satu ini, kadang kita berusaha niup balon biar gede malah sengaja di peletusin sama temen kita trus ditempel ke muka. #2 Tamagotchi Tamagotchi merupakan salah

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation    Due to the danger of Sleep Deprivation. Sleep is a routine activity undertaken by humans to rest the body and mind. There are so many benefits that can be obtained from the sleep activity. One such body will be fit and fresh when you wake up. So we are ready to face the day-to-day heavy and tiring that we must live today. Conversely, lack of sleep will negatively affect the health of the Body. So what are the dangers of sleep deprivation for health.      Many of us who ignore this sleep activity. This can be proven, we often still awake at night like watching TV until late at night, chatting with friends in the evening to forget the time or do activities at night apart from those who must work at night. Friend, health tips. Lack of sleep at night is not good for your health. Here are 7 Danger due to lack of sleep for health: Missing Focus While Driving. If you are a worker who had to use the car and motorcycle. You must have enough rest a

Tips To Stay Younger And Healthy

Tips To Stay Younger And Healthy          Ageless is a dream of every person, including you. This is because, when age has been stepped up, a lot of signs of aging on our skin. These signs such as the presence of wrinkles, fine lines on the bottom of the eyes, skin feels dull and loose skin visible. Then, is there any easy tips to stay young is easy ...          There are so many healthy tips that we can do to still look young. A healthy lifestyle is a step that you can do to stay young in a healthy way as well. Therefore, health tips this time will address some easy tips you can do to always stay young and healthy. Health tips, here are 6 easy tips to stay young: Stress is one factor that can accelerate the aging person. Tips you can do that is by doing meditation for 10 minutes a day to sit in a place that you think is most quiet, close your eyes, relax all muscles, and breathe deeply. By consuming foods that contain omega-3. These foods are salmon, walnuts and seeds. This

Why do I believe that ātma-vicāra is the only direct means by which we can eradicate the illusion that we are this ego?

In a comment on my previous article, Thought of oneself will destroy all other thoughts , an anonymous friend asked me ‘a couple of blunt and direct questions’, so this article is my response to those questions and also to some of the other comments on that article. Questioning is the means to develop clarity of understanding and depth of conviction Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu verse 33: it is ridiculous to say either ‘I do not know myself’ or ‘I have known myself’ Which kind of sat-saṅga is more efficacious: physical or mental? Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 44: to see ourself, we must turn back and look at ourself Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu verse 22: unless we turn within to look at ourself, how can we see what we actually are? Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu verse 25: so long as we are aware of anything other than ourself, we seem to be this ego Distinguishing what is necessarily true from what is contingently true Will ātma-vicāra work for everyone? Ātma-vicāra is a guaranteed means to weaken our viṣaya-vāsanās