
Showing posts from September, 2013

Bryce Bond's NDE

Analytical readers can easily find parallels and correlations between documented UFOlogy cases and other categorizations of 'unexplained phenomena.'  An example was provided in the preceding article "The Maureen Puddy Case" that included instances of 'voice hearing' — a phenomenon chronicled as having occurred throughout the ages. Famous people associated with voice hearing considered in previous blog articles include Muhammad , Martin Luther King , Joan of Arc , and Socrates .  An incident of voice hearing was also mentioned in an article about Bryce Bond.  While continuing to report about aspects of UFOlogy among other metaphysical topics, some of my posts will supplement or expound upon previous ones.  In this article, I am presenting Bond's description of his Near Death Experience (or 'NDE'). This photo is from Higher Techniques to Inner Perfection : "Bryce Bond is a top motivation speaker in demand at major universities, corporati

Speaking in Lisbon on October 5

My friend Pedro Bastos graciously invited me to speak at a conference he organized in Lisbon on October 5 titled "Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases".  I will give two talks: "Ancestral Health: What is Our Human Potential?"  This talk will explore the health of non-industrial cultures in an effort to understand how much of our modern chronic disease burden is preventable, and it will briefly touch on one major aspect of non-industrial life that may protect against the "diseases of civilization".  This presentation will focus on age-adjusted data from high quality studies.   "Why Do We Overeat: a Neurobiological Perspective."  This talk will attempt to explain why most of us consume more calories than we need to maintain weight-- a phenomenon that is a central cause of morbidity and mortality in the modern world.  It will touch on some of the brain mechanisms involved in ingestive behavior, and outline a framework to explain wh

The Maureen Puddy Case

O ne track of the Wendy Connors Audio History of UFOlogy Series “CE IV” CD offers a 19-minute recording of an interview with Maureen Puddy about a July 25, 1972 "abduction" in Frankston, Victoria, Australia.  In this case, the word ‘abduction’ is a misnomer identifying a wrongfulness to an event beyond the experiencer’s understanding.  The interview offers a description of two UFO sightings and incidents of voice hearing (disembodied) phenomena. Maureen Puddy's first UFO sighting occurred on July 5, 1972.  The 27-year-old woman was coming home from the hospital after visiting her little boy.  She noticed that “the road lit up in a blue iridescent glow” and at first thought the light was from the helicopter that had taken her son to the hospital.  After stopping her car, she saw an “enormous flying saucer” approximately four times wider than the road.  She said that the only noise was a “low hum.”  Puddy saw no flashing lights or windows on the object as it hovered above t

Some UFOlogy Recordings

Fifty tracks of interview and lecture recordings of 'contactees' from the Wendy Connors Audio History of UFOlogy Series may now be heard online without charge. T he "Faded Disc Archive — The Contactees" page presents the audio tracks from the two volumes of the Wendy Connors Faded Discs Audio Archive of UFO History series focusing on "The Contactees": "Flying Saucers & Four Guys Named George: Adamski, Van Tassel, Hunt Williamson & King" (Volume 1) and "Saucerology: Tales of Giant Rock" (Volume 2).  Two additional tracks are also provided that present a 1957 Long John Nebel broadcast and a 1959 lecture by Orfeo Angelucci. F ourteen of the 25 recordings on the Volume 1 disc feature George Adamski and in the first file recorded by A.G. Dittmarr in 1953, Adamski recounts his first asserted encounter with the Venusian 'Orthon.'  I found this track to provide an example of a contrived and incongruous contactee acco

Paranormal Radio Shows in 2013

The last time I was a guest on a 'paranormal'-themed radio show was seven years ago — "Speaking of Strange" broadcast from North Carolina and hosted by Joshua P. Warren.  I described in a very condensed way my experiences and research that resulted with my being able to distinguish revealing patterns among documented case studies of so-called 'unexplained phenomena.'   As consistent blog readers know, my perspective is often different from many commercial authors who write about these topics.  It is usually obvious when superstitious and frightful depictions of paranormal phenomena are motivated by a profit incentive, while closed-minded skepticism may be a result of brainwashing and/or denial. This summer there was a Sirius XM Radio announcement "Legendary Radio Personality Art Bell to Launch Exclusively on SiriusXM" .  The program will begin broadcasting September 16 and air weeknights from 7 to 10 pm Pacific Time so his former radio show, "Co

Is Refined Carbohydrate Addictive?

[Note: in previous versions, I mixed up "LGI" and "HGI" terms in a couple of spots.  These are now corrected.  Thanks to readers for pointing them out.] Recently, a new study was published that triggered an avalanche of media reports suggesting that refined carbohydrate may be addictive: Refined Carbs May Trigger Food Addiction Refined Carbs May Trigger Food Addictions Can You be Addicted to Carbs? etc. This makes for attention-grabbing headlines, but in fact the study had virtually nothing to do with food addiction.  The study made no attempt to measure addictive behavior related to refined carbohydrate or any other food, nor did it aim to do so. So what did the study actually find, why is it being extrapolated to food addiction, and is this a reasonable extrapolation?  Answering these questions dredges up a number of interesting scientific points, some of which undermine popular notions of what determines eating behavior. Read more »

Aliens from Space

This is the cover of the paperback edition of Aliens from Space . My reviews of Donald E. Keyhoe's books have been intended to provide an overview.  A more detailed study of documented military secrecy about UFOs along with the resulting internecine conflicts between 1947 and 1973 is gained through reading the books in the entirety. I n Major Donald E. Keyhoe's fifth and final UFOlogy book Aliens from Space (1973), there are indications that Keyhoe's orientation to UFOs had evolved over the years.   Although still avoiding analysis of 'contactee' claims, he had become acquainted with what he estimated to be "strong evidence that technically superior beings once visited our planet without harming any of Earth's inhabitants."  Keyhoe identified three segments of this evidence: the Piri Reis map, which had been brought to his attention by a Navy captain and a commander affiliated with the Office of Naval Intelligence; information from the Book of Dzya