
Showing posts from March, 2013

Arthur Shuttlewood's Daytime UFO Sightings

Arthur Shuttlewood (1920-1996) The following excerpt is from the sixth chapter of The Flying Saucerers (1976) by Arthur Shuttlewood, who d escribed in his fourth UFOlogy book what happened when he was among a group of 'skywatchers' making their way from Warminster to Stonehenge on a bright Sunday afternoon in early autumn 1967. Between the villages of Chitterne and Shrewton, not far from our town, the driver of the leading car in the motorcade waved us down with an imperious hand signal.  We stopped and pulled off the highway before dismounting, sensing with quiet expectancy that something was afoot — or, more accurately, aloft . Follow ing the line of his upraised arm and hand, we saw his forefingers pointing to a huge object in a blue sky unsullied by cloud.  Here was a prime example of a daytime UFO in all its magnificent might, silhouetted against an azure backcloth in the heavens.  It was a sober grey in colour, resembling base gunmetal, until the sun shone full upon it

Food Reward Friday

This week's "lucky" winner... milkshakes! Read more »

Neuronal Control of Appetite, Metabolism and Weight

Last week, I attended a Keystone conference, "Neuronal Control of Appetite, Metabolism and Weight", in Banff.  Keystone conferences are small, focused meetings that tend to attract high quality science.  This particular conference centered around my own professional research interests, and it was incredibly informative.  This post is a summary of some of the most salient points. Rapid Pace of Scientific Progress Read more »

UFOs — Key to the New Age

UFOs — Key to the New Age (1971) became a summation of Arthur Shuttlewood ' s metaphysical and scientific perceptions after six years of on-the-spot investigation of what he had originally called 'The Warminster Mystery. '   He is quoted on the back cover as concluding that the manifestations reveal "wonderful thinking intelligence . . . a Supreme Universal Force inseparable from all inhabited planets.  All-knowing, all-powerful and all-wise, an Army of  Invisible Hosts . . . " Arthur Shuttlewood ' s third book about his experiences and research of unexplained phenomena begins with four photographs of crop " depressions " including " Two 50-feet-long furrows lying parallel to each other in the corn field at Cradle Hill. "   (shown below)  One caption mentioned a "triangular patch swirled around in whirligig style." Reflecting about his telephone callers from the planet Aenstria and the encounter with the Aenstrian named Ka

Food Reward Friday

This week's luck winner(s)... pastries!! Read more »

Warnings from Flying Friends

Caption for photo seen on the cover: "Between Chitterne and Tilshead, near Warminster, 2:45 p.m.  Taken January 23rd, 1967.  Original in colour.  Photo by Bob Strong." T he year after publication of Arthur Shuttlewood's The Warminster Mystery in 1967, his new book Warnings from Flying Friends was published.  His experiences observing UFOs and his encounters with "space visitors" resulted with the author dedicating "this serious work on the most important subject he knows to People of this Earth and other Planets who are genuinely concerned for the continuing safety, welfare and evolutionary progress of everyone in a vast and ever-changing Universe that gives us our homes." A summary of Warminster sighting experiences was offered by Shuttlewood . We have made a number of interesting discov eries about these elegant space ships and their crews.  UFOs take the vari-c oloured shapes of glowing spheres, luminous peardrops , ovular jewels that range from